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WARNING: Explicit content ahead


The drive to Oakland is long, but Beomgyu and Taehyun spend the six-hour cruise talking about past memories and sights along the way. They leave early Friday morning, beating rush hour traffic and morning commuters. Beomgyu had managed to secure time off from work without much difficulty. Fortunately for him, his schedule was relatively flexible. He had only a shared class with Yeonjun and an individual class that he could adjust without much trouble. Beomgyu shared with Taehyun that he intentionally structured his Fridays to have a lighter load of appointments. By doing so, he was able to focus on developing new routines.

When they get to Oakland, they stop to get breakfast at one of Taehyun's favorite restaurants near his apartment. They finally get to his apartment, and Taehyun shows him around the place. They stop inside the spare bedroom where Taehyun kept a display case full of his various awards and trophies from both the minor and major leagues. His new World Series MVP statue of Willie Mays shined brightly among the other trophies. He finally decided to put it in the display case after leaving it on the dining room table for so long.

"It's just hard to believe how far you've come," Beomgyu murmurs in awe as he gawks at the numerous awards.

"I know, I'm a lot different from that kid," Taehyun chuckles and points out a picture of him in high school, "I can hardly recognize that guy anymore."

Beomgyu shrugs as he takes a closer look at the framed picture from his high school senior year of baseball. Taehyun was noticeably skinnier in the picture, not even close to the peak athletic shape he was in now. His innocent expression revealed the youthful energy that he would bring to the baseball field.

"I don't know, you still seem like the same Kang Taehyun I knew in high school," Beomgyu said after a moment.

Taehyun smiles and nods, glancing over at him. Beomgyu met his gaze before slowly turning to him. They lean into each other and Taehyun presses his lips to Beomgyu's softly. The smell of Beomgyu's vanilla fragrance tingled his nose with a sweet sensation. Their kiss was soft and tender, exactly what Taehyun needed in this moment. Their lips linger together, both of them reluctant to pull away.

After a moment, they slowly part away from each other. Beomgyu flashes him a shy smile before he glances back at the bright lights of the display case. Taehyun watches him curiously as his eyes trail over the awards.

"I'm so proud of you, Taehyun," Beomgyu says after a moment. He glances back at him and smiles, pride evident in the shape of his lips. "You deserve it all."

"I wouldn't have accomplished this all without you," Taehyun murmurs, "You're the one who always supported me. You told me that I should try out my freshman year, whenever you saw me in the bathroom. I wish I would've followed your advice then."

"Don't say that," Beomgyu tells him, "It all worked out in the end. Look at you now."

Taehyun nods and dips his head down toward the hardwood flooring at his feet. For the past seven years, the money and the fame didn't fill the void that was his lonely heart. Nobody seemed to understand that it was truly lonely at the top when you didn't have anyone to share your accomplishments with. The endless flights and drives through multiple cities with his teammates didn't provide the companionship he was looking for.

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