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Three weeks had passed since his and Taehyun's relationship became official, and Beomgyu felt like he was living in a dream. Each day brought him an elated mood when he'd either wake up to Taehyun's strong arms around him or a good morning text. It was as if the seven-year gap in their lives had never happened, and they seamlessly picked up where they left off. They were moving forward together in the best way possible.

Beomgyu's clients couldn't help but notice the positive change in his demeanor during their dance sessions. They playfully teased him about his newfound niceness, commenting on how his criticism was much easier to take now. Beomgyu could see the shift, too. As someone who had been trained to focus on the expressive aspect of dance, Beomgyu couldn't help but notice how lighter his movements were with each routine.

Taehyun spent the majority of his time at his apartment with Beomgyu when he was home. They spent the night with each other before Beomgyu departed for work and Taehyun went back to his grandmother's house. With as light as Taehyun's schedule was right now before baseball season started back up, they were able to see each other every day. Sometimes, Taehyun would surprise him with lunch or come to visit him between his classes. It would brighten his day to see Taehyun in the lobby of the dance studio with a cup of coffee waiting for him in his hand.

Taehyun informed him that he would be driving up to Oakland over the weekend to attend a party one of his teammates on the Oakland A's was throwing. He invited Beomgyu to go with him, and he happily obliged. They left Friday evening and got to Oakland in the early hours of the morning. On Saturday, they got a late start to their day and ate lunch before getting ready for the party.

They took their time dressing formally for the party. Beomgyu opted for a black suit jacket, a grey button-up shirt, black slacks, and a pair of shiny oxfords. When his gaze fell on Taehyun, he could feel his breath catch in his throat. He was dressed sharply in a crisp black suit and his hair was neatly slicked back, exposing his forehead. Beomgyu knew of Taehyun's dislike of dressing formally. It was odd seeing him dressed so differently from his regular attire of a t-shirt and shorts. Beomgyu embraced the change in his appearance happily.

The two of them arrived at the steakhouse where the party was being hosted shortly before the start time. Taehyun was luckily able to find a parking space in the mix of high-end vehicles in the small lot. Beomgyu felt his breath catch in his throat as he watched the attendees enter the restaurant. Many of them looked like athletes with toned physiques like Taehyun.

He didn't have much time to embrace his nerves of attending a party with Taehyun. What would his teammates think? Taehyun hadn't dated anyone in seven years, and now he was suddenly showing up with another guy. Beomgyu felt like he needed to make a good impression on the guests. He probably shouldn't admit that he hated baseball.

"Ready?" Taehyun asks in a confident tone from the driver's seat.

"Yeah," Beomgyu exhales sharply before nodding quickly. "I'm ready."


Beomgyu glances over at Taehyun, noticing a sly smile on his lips. How could he look so calm right now? They were about to make waves at this party. Beomgyu could only imagine how he was supposed to explain their relationship history to someone if they asked about how he and Taehyun got together.


Taehyun chuckled, his laughter easing the butterflies in his stomach. "Don't be too nervous," he reassured Beomgyu. "You don't need to try and impress them. Trust me, most of these guys have the maturity of five-year-olds, myself included. That's why we have sports agents to handle the serious stuff."

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