A meeting to save my life

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Regular narration


It is a new day, Izuku is going to Aldera middle school, like usual. The walk doesn't take long, but as he reaches the gates of the school and takes in a breath.

Something tells him that today is going to be an awful day, he didn't understand why his instincts tell him to just turn around and leave.

"Jeez, look at deku. Did he forget to walk or something? What a complete failure of a human." Someone says.

These words take Izuku right out of his stupor so he looks at who was the person that talked, it was a teacher.

Midoriya sighs once more and makes his way to the classroom and after entering through the door he sees something on his desk.

Red spider lilies

A beautiful flower, really...

But Izuku is no fool, he knows the meaning of such flowers. They are to mourn the dead, but since the greenette is still alive, it can only mean one thing.

Go kill yourself

Midoriya doesn't even flinch, instead he picks the flowers up from his desk and puts them in a vase that was empty, next to many other such vases

He sits at the back of the class, near the window, right behind Katsuki, who looks somehow angrier than usual.

"The hell are you doing, Deku?!" The blond yells, explosions crackling in his right palm, before slamming the hand down on Izukus desk, releasing a mini explosion.

"H-Hi K-Kachan..." Midoriya winces and is bearly able to let out the previous words.

"Well hi, Deku. Now answer my damn question before I blast you to hell!" Katsuki starts of calm and friendly, having a slight smile, then the tone shifts into an angry howl, the previou expression he carried being transformed into a maniacal grin, one thar could be compared to that of a predatorial animal.

Izuku shivers, trying to lean back further into his seat, to attempt to get further away, just this once he wants to get farther away.

However, before this interaction can go any further, the teacher entered the classroom and calmed the blond down.

Then he looks at Izuku and says to him...

"Midoriya, why are you here today? Didn't your mother die just a few days ago?"

"Yeah! She died because of how useless Deku is! I mean come on, he's got nothing!" A boy yelled out, making the greenettes expression darken a little.

"While I do agree with that fact, it was still out of line." The teacher replies in a calm tone, shifting to look at the child, then returns his gaze Midoriya, awaiting an answer.

"I-I didn't want to m-miss any m-more the lessons..." The greenette says, retracting himself into a semi-fetal position.

Some giggles were heard within the class, before they all started talking

"Deky wants to learn? That's impossible, he still doesn't understand he can't be a hero without a quirk."

"Deku should do like his mother and die."

"Fucking idiot, there's no point in teaching a useless waste of air anything."

"He's kidding right?"

"He'll only get dumber and drag us all down."

"Sure, learn to die."

"Leave now, maybe you'll see your mom, hopefully sooner than later."

The teacher just sits in his chair while all of this happens and after the class quiets down, slightly, and starts his lesson.

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