Chapter 1

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James Potter, the scion of the Noble and Ancient house of Potter, was a charming and good-looking man but was very prejudiced against Slytherins and anything dark. He was a very light-oriented person which was quite hypocritical when his mother was Black. His parents often wonder how their son turned out like this. When James' father died, He took his father's mantle as Lord Potter.

After his graduation, James decided to marry Lily Evans, a muggle-born witch. His mother Dorea Potter nee Black wasn't very happy about his decision. While she wasn't as prejudiced as her family, she certainly didn't want Potter's line to be diluted by certain a muggle-born.

James and Lily married not soon after. James joined auror academy and Lily decided to become a homemaker. They later joined the Order of the Phoenix. Dorea protested that this would put their lives in danger but they didn't listen to her.

After two years, Lily Potter gave birth to twins on 31 July 1980. James and Lily weren't expecting the twins but were very happy for their children. They named their older son Ethan James Potter and declared him Heir of Potter House as he was the eldest. Lily and James let their youngest be named by Dorea as she still wasn't happy with their participation in the war. She named him Hadrian Charlus Potter, after her departed husband and late Lord Potter Charlus Potter. Sirius Black was declared both boys' godfathers. They had the traditional Godfather ritual. This ritual was recommended by Dorea Potter and James agreed begrudgingly as the Godfather ritual was considered Old ways which were, in James' eyes, dark magic.

While both Ethan and Hadrian 'Harry' were twins, they looked very different. Ethan has the red hair of his mother and the brown eyes of his father. He was loud and cry a lot and was a lot bigger than Harry. While Harry, on the other hand, has the inky Black hair of his father and the vibrant green eyes of his mother. He was a quiet child and often observes his surroundings instead. Harry was a very intelligent baby, he said his first word 'mama' and started walking before Ethan. Dorea naturally spends her time with Harry. James and Lily equally loved their children.

After Dumbledore's warning that the Potter twins were targeted by Dark Lord, Potter's family decided to move from Potter Manor to Godric's hallow which was under the Fidelius Charm. They made Peter Pettigrew their secret keeper.

On Halloween 1981, James and Lily were gone to the order's meetings They left their sons with their grandmother. When they returned, they were shocked. The Fidelius Charm was broken and the House's roof was blown up. They ran inside the house to find their children. When they reached the nursery, they found Dorea dead in front of the crib, Harry was still asleep and Ethan was wailing at the top of his lungs. Lily picked Ethan and rocked him silently and James checked Harry and his mother. Harry had a thunderbolt mark on his forehead and Ethan had a 'v-shaped mark on his left cheek.

James soon called Dumbledore to check the scene. Dumbledore inspected both boys and notice Ethan's scar (and failed to notice Harry's) and their magical core. Harry emitted nothing while Ethan had the normal magical core.

Dumbledore said, "It looks like Lord Voldemort Killed Dorea first and tried to kill little Ethan after."

Lily asked Dumbledore, "then what happened? How is Ethan alive"

"My dear girl, Ethan defeated Lord Voldemort by deflecting the notorious killing curse. The Killing Curse rebounded off The Dark Lord's body. The Dark Lord is vanquished. Ethan is the prophesied one. He is the boy who lived", Dumbledore proclaimed happily

"My son defeated Old Voldie, he is the true marauder," James said with a shaky wet laugh, still processing the fact that his mother is dead.

Lily asked Albus worriedly, "What about Harry professor? Is he well ?"

"I am sorry my dear girl, but because of the dark magic cast in this room, it affected his underdeveloped magical core. Harry is nearly a squib but does have enough magic to be accepted by Hogwarts", Albus sadly said. His twinkling eyes diminishing.

Lily choked on a sob and James hug her with Ethan. If only they knew dark magic does not make anyone squib.


After that Halloween night, Harry's life slowly started to change.

After Dora's funeral, Potters moved back to Potter Manor which now had impenetrable wards. Sirius and Remus often came to help Potters.

Lily used to treat her sons equally but lately, she slowly started to favour Ethan more (after all he was the boy who lived and therefore in danger. Merlin knows how many evil death eaters want to kill him). James didn't like the fact that his youngest was a near squib and started ignoring him. Remus, who now had a respectable job thanks to Dumbledore and Potters, always spoils Ethan with sweets and toys and ignores Harry. Sirius was the only one who still cared about Harry and bought him books and started teaching him writing and reading. He also bought him a violin and taught him. But Sirius was a hit wizard and rarely came to visit him.

Harry accepted the fact, his parents focused more on Ethan. But after Harry turned three, his little sister Rose was born. After noticing how his parents cherished Rose, he was crushed. It still hurt the little boy's feelings to notice that his parents were capable of loving two children at the same time. There had to be something wrong with him.

When Harry turned five, he was moved to the abandoned West Wing of the manor which was near the library. He found his grandma's portrait there. He bonded with his grandma pretty quickly. His grandma started teaching him etiquette, laws, languages, magical theories and finance. Sirius also taught him duelling, using blades, and daggers and also bought him a wand and asked him to keep it a secret from his parents. He spends most of his days in the library with Sirius and Dorea's portrait. He studied hard in the hope one day his parents would accept him and love him.

Harry never played with his siblings or their friends as Ethan and his friends especially Ron Weasley often bully him. He grew withdrawn and a quiet observer.

When Potters forgot Harry's 10th birthday while celebrating Ethan's, he lost his hope of a loving family. He made a plan. A plan to disappear into the background. He would be free after he finished his education. Until then he would appear to be mediocre in everything. Maybe, just maybe, they would forget his existence.

He was very happy when his Hogwarts letter came. After all, he was going away from his family and will have lots of true friends.

When everyone knew that there was a third Potter child, his parents started to drag him to every possible ministry ball and function. There he would always observe old Lords of Wizengamot, prominent ministry people. He used his teachings from his Grandma and Siri to socially connect with important people.

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