Chapter 12

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The Burrow buzzed with warmth and cheer as Molly Weasley orchestrated a culinary symphony in the kitchen. The aroma of her cooking wafted through the house, drawing everyone to the cosy dining table.

Dumbledore sat at the head of the table, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses as he surveyed the scene before him. Lily and James Potter were deep in conversation with Arthur Weasley, discussing some Muggle artefact that Arthur had recently come across. Rose Potter sat beside her parents, her eyes shining with excitement as she listened to their stories. There were many other order members.

Hermione Granger was engaged in a lively discussion with Ginny Weasley, their laughter filling the room. Ron, Fred, George, Charlie, and Bill were busy passing around dishes and joking with each other, their camaraderie evident.

As the meal began, everyone dug in eagerly, filling their plates with Molly's delicious food. The atmosphere was warm and joyful, a true celebration of family and togetherness.

Ginny sat at the dinner table, her gaze shifting between the delicious food on her plate. she was determined to enjoy the meal while plotting her next move.

She couldn't believe her luck that she was soon to be out of the picture. Marrying Ethan would elevate her status to that of a Lady Potter, a position she had long coveted. Plus, she found Ethan's simplicity and lack of intelligence rather dull, which suited her plans perfectly.

Ginny glanced over at Ethan, who was sitting across the table, chatting amiably with Ron. She suppressed a smirk, knowing that soon she would be able to manipulate Ethan to her advantage. The only disadvantage was that Ethan was slow and dull in bed so she decided after having her first son, the next Potter heir, she would again start seeing her old lovers. She was determined to secure her future, no matter the cost.

Hermione was happy that she had been invited to Weasley's dinner. Oh, how much she loves Ron! Yet Ron was going to marry that squib who was also a dark wizard. Ron deserves someone like her in his life. This hurts her so much. They have decided to continue their relationship discreetly. She knows she doesn't have anything to give to Ron, no name, influence or money. Maybe they will be able to continue their relationship after Ron's marriage.

After the dinner had ended and the guests had started to disperse, Dumbledore approached Molly and Ron, gesturing for them to follow him to a quieter corner of the room. Molly's heart skipped a beat, wondering what the headmaster could want with them.

"Ah, Molly, Ron," Dumbledore began, his tone gentle but serious. "I wanted to speak with you both about a matter of some importance."

Molly nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. Ron looked wary, unsure of what was to come.

"As you know," Dumbledore continued, "you are soon welcoming Harry into your family." at which both Molly and Ron nodded, "He has also shown some signs of being the dark wizard."

Molly asked the headmaster, "What do you suggest we do, Dumbledore?" she already knew this.

"After his marriage, you two must keep a close eye on Harry, monitor his behaviour, and ensure that he does not pose a threat to himself or others. You must not let him wander off the home. We must control him, for the greater good."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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