Chapter 10

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26 December 1997

Harry woke up slowly and groggily, wrapped in a warmth that could not come from only blankets. Harry looked down to see an arm wrapped around his waist. Raising an eyebrow, he turned his head to come face to face with Rabastan. Again. This was becoming some kind of habit now. He did remember sleeping far away from Rabastan on their king-sized bed and placing a few pillows between them but like every morning he found himself cuddled by his husband. A few days before he woke to find himself on top of his bed partner who was then smirking at his reddening face. ' That smug infuriating bastard'.

Harry looked at Rabastan's sleeping face lying beside him. He looks quite innocent in his sleep. He had slightly pouted his lips in his sleep which Harry found very endearing. He sighed and wondered again how in the hell he ended up in this situation.

He was used to sleeping alone in his tiny bed in an abandoned wing of the Potter Manor. At first, Harry was very annoyed with how touchy Rabastan was. He wasn't used to physical contact much, thanks to the loving care of his beloved parents. Now, nearly two weeks after his marriage to Rabastan, Harry managed to tolerate touches of Rabastan.

Harry found himself liking Rabastan. The man was very intelligent and quick with his wits despite his teasing nature and cocky attitude. He cared for Harry and always made sure that he was comfortable. He loved yesterday's Yule celebration with Rabastan. They held a heartfully ritual for mother magic and a Dinner celebration with Malfoys.

Harry wriggled a little to get out from under the arm that was invading his personal space. He'd just gotten it off of him when it curled around him again and pulled him back up against a hard chest. He sighed heavily and started wriggling again.

"Will you stay still?", Rabastan mumbled drowsily. "Some of us are trying to sleep."

Harry heaved another heavy sigh. "Well, excuse me for needing the loo!" And he threw the arm off of him and slipped out of the bed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After thirty minutes, Harry was fresh, showered and dressed for the day. Now, Harry was combing his hair in front of a full-length mirror with a wooden comb when two-toned familiar arms hugged his waist from behind and a face nuzzled his neck and started planting wet sloppy kisses on his neck. Harry stilled in his husband's arms. He suppressed a moan that was threatening to escape from his throat due to Rabastan's passionate mechanism. He could feel all the hard muscles and abs that were hugging him from behind. Why would Rabastan have to be so sensual?

"Stop this instant!", Harry said giggling as the arms on his waist started to tickle him.

" You sound very sweet when you giggle", Rabastan said in a hoarse sleepy voice.

"I don't giggle for your kind information Mister" Harry angrily glared at his smirking husband who was just in his pyjama pants. And Harry was not attracted to that.

" You do"

" No, I don't"

"You do"

"I do not"

"If you say so, but aren't you going to meet Lord Black today?", Rabastan asked. He stopped tickling but did not remove his arms.

" Yes, he came last evening at Grimmauld Place. He invited me to his place today."

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