Chapter 5

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"But I can't marry Rabastan Lestrange.", Harry said after much thought. 

"And why is that Mister Potter?", Ironclaw asked. "Surely Lestrange is a far better option than that Ronald Weasley."

"Yes, that he may but the Lestrange family is strictly pureblood. I doubt that they would want to welcome a half-blood into their family."

"You are a pureblood, Mister Potter.," Iron said after much of a pause. 

"I beg your pardon! Now don't tell me I am adopted too. But that explains why James and Lily hate me", Harry said terrifyingly. From whom Potters might kidnap him? Why Potters had kidnapped him? Who were his real parents? 

"No Mister Potter, You are the biological son of Lily and James but you were blood-adopted by Lord Black when you were just a baby."

"What!" Harry was gasping like a fish, his sharp jaw dropped on the floor. He couldn't believe it but it explained why he looked like a Black. He used to think that he got it from his grandmother when people started pointing it out. But why wasn't he ever made aware of that fact? Sirius was his father. Then why hadn't Sirius taken him with him from the Potters? He was very against his treatment by his parents. He doesn't know what to think of it. He was happy, very happy because Sirius loved him, and cared about him. But why did Sirius never tell him? He can understand why his parents never told him. But what about Sirius? Then another solution came into his mind. 

"Sirius can pull me out of this contract now. Can't he? There is no need for me to marry Lestrange.", Harry said happily. Sirius would surely help him. He didn't have to marry anyone, he was free to do as he pleased. 

"No Mister Potter, the contract can't be cancelled once it is signed. Even Lord Potter can't cancel the contract if he ever wants to. The Lestrange contract is ably activated for you simply because it is older. 

"Why I wasn't even aware that I was blood-adopted", Harry said deciding to change the topic. He still didn't want to marry Rabastan Lestrange but it seemed like it was the only option for him. 

"I doubt it that even your parents or Lord Black knows. When you were little, your parents performed the godfather ritual with you and your brother. But they miscalculated during your ritual and Lord Black accidentally ended up adopting you. Nobody noticed that mistake except your grandmother Dorea. She was the one who informed me about this. So you are half Black and half Potter. Lily  Potter can be counted as your surrogate." Ironclaw said. 

This explains a lot of things to Harry. The only thing Harry inherited from Lily was her eyes. Her bright green eyes that shone like real emeralds. While Ethan looked very much like Lily, unlike Harry. Harry also had Black family features. He was able to do dark magic without any struggle like he had been doing it for years. But the question is, would Sirius accept him as his son? He was afraid. He was the only adult he had ever trusted in his life. Would he accept his marriage with Lestrange, who was a death eater and whose family was rumoured to be the ones who tortured Longbottoms into insanity, (those Longbottoms were Sirius' friends)? But he had no other option. Should he inform Sirius? No. Sirius would act recklessly and end up hexing James who was the head auror. He could also be charged with adopting a child without his parent's permission and Dumbledore was currently unhappy with Sirius because of his rebellious nature. He would tell Sirius when he would meet him face to face. 

"Would you like me to activate the contract", Asked Ironclaw. 


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