The Black Sea, 1630

*You wake up and try going out of the room quietly but the wooden floor shrieks. You secretly hope that he did not wake up because of the noise.*

"Where do you think that you are going?"

"I-I wanted to go down, I wanted to get myself some water!"

"Ah, alright. I just wanted you to know that in a few days, we will be arriving in  Constantiyye(Istanbul). You will be sent to the Harem."

"The H-H-Harem!? I thought I would be a helper for you but I do not remember that I said that I would join the Harem!"

"Incase you forgot, I did mention that you should join the Harem. You just forgot about it. But do not worry, I will be there to protect you."

"Are y-you perhaps a Eunuch?!"

"No, but I do belong to the Harem. When the time comes, you will see me again after this. Now if you excuse me, I need to attend work."

*A few days later you arrive to Constatiniyye. You are imediately taken to the Harem.*

"All of the girls, please gather in one line! We will inspect you now! Do not fight back or try to interrupt our process! Understood?!"


*The Harem Attendants inspect each girl to see if she was healthy, fertile and a virgin. You were inspected last but you did not find the inspection comfortable at all, infact it was so uncomfortable that you almost started crying.*

"Alright girls, you need to wash yourselves now and go imeadiately to your beds. Do not chat until late at night or stay up or try to escape. You will be caught by us."

*You wash yourself in the Hammam and later go to bed. You wonder how you will survive this Palace and then execute your plan of returning to the 21st century.*

*The next day*

"Bülbül Ağa, our Valide Sultan has ordered you to bring a few new girls for her to serve her."

"Alright Melek Kalfa, I will certainly look into that."

"Girls, Melek Kalfa and I are going to choose a few girls who will serve the Valide Sultan, but before you are able to serve her, you must learn how to serve. Get dressed and stand in one line."

*You all dress in the dresses that were given to you and you all stood in one line. 5 Girls were picked before Melek Kalfa stood in front of you.*

"Bülbül Ağa, tell me more about this girl. I am intrigued by her."

"This is Tamar Hatun, she is 16 years old and from Abkhazia."

"She's quite beautiful and she looks well-mannered too. Tamar, you will go aswell."

*They then bring you and the 5 other girls to a study room where you and the 5 girls will study. You study for many hours. In a few hours you learned how to serve the Valide Sultan."

"Well, that was it, now it is time to choose who will personally attend to the Valide Sultan. Who do you think should serve our Valide Sultan personally, Bülbül Ağa?"

"I think Tamar, Gloria and Sarah should personally attend to our Valide Sultan. Before you can serve her, you will be given new names. Tamar will be called Telli(nice-haired girl/embroidered with gold thread), Gloria will get the name Gülfidan(rose-sapling) and Sarah will get the name Sevim(charm). You will go by these names until the Valide Sultan changes it or the Sultan does."

"Telli, Gülfidan and Sevim. I like their names. Girls, let us go to the Valide Sultan now. Remember, bow down to her properly, do not speak to her until she says you can speak to her and do not be disrespectfull towards her. Understood?!"

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