Rugby tackle

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Vilu: yeah, I just want to be with you

Leon: exactly, our love can bet anything

Vilu: yeah, come here (kissed him)

Leon: hey, do you want to want go to my house

Vilu: I would love that (kissed him)

Leon: lets go (they went to his house and his parents was down stairs so they went upstairs into his room) so this my room, im guessing that you don't want to meet my parents, feel free to settle down

Vilu: this is lovely

Leon: I want you to feel completely comfortable here

Vilu: I do, I love it, its very leony

Leon: that was exactly what I was trying for

Vilu: very creative

Leon: yeah, come here baby (rugby tackled her down on the bed and they cuddled on the bed) this is very natural

Vilu: it is, its very romantic

Leon: exactly what I was thinking

Vilu: I could get use to this

Leon: same baby

Vilu: I can't wait until our wedding day

Leon: exactly, I love you

Vilu: come here my love (kissed him)

Leon: that's what I like

Vilu: so where do you want to get married

Leon: where ever you like, as long as I'm with you im happy

Vilu: I feel the same

Leon: do you want to meet my parents

Vilu: ok, this is the next step

Leon: ok, lets go

Vilu: ok, but first, what is their names

Leon: my dad is called Chris and my mum is called Helen

Vilu: ok, let's go baby (they went downstairs and sat down on the sofa and she held Leons hand) hello nice to meet you

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