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Leon: (cuddled her) hey, he cares about you and wants best for you, he is your dad and hasn't ever given you up before

Vilu: come on, lets start packing

Leon: well I can't say no to that

Vilu: yeah as we will be cuddling up in bed watching movies and kissing and being all romantic

Leon: I love the sound of that

Vilu: and that's what you will get every day handsome

Leon: then bring on the rest of my life

Vilu: come here (kissed him)

Leon: come on, lets get you home, to your new home with me, (put his chin on her shoulder) to our new life

Vilu: let's go (they picked up her stuff and went to leons house and cuddled up on the sofa in a blanket)

Leon: I love you

Vilu: love you more, you are perfect

Leon: hey, as long as we have each other then we can accomplish anything, I'm in love with you

Vilu: I want to get married as soon as possible

Leon: ok, lets get married

Vilu: lets plan it

Leon: lets start making notes (got a pen and paper out and started making notes) ok, I want you to feel like a princess

Vilu: as long as I'm with you then I feel like a princess, I love you more than anything and I know that this is what I want

Leon: yeah (kissed her) how about we get married on the beach in Mexico, super relaxed, super gorgeous

Vilu: perfect! I love it

Leon: lets do this next week, only our closest friends and family only, most of my family lives in Mexico

Vilu: perfect, but one thing, I don't think my family will come as they are very against me being with you

Leon: its ok, (kissed her forehead) my family is your family

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