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Valeria: I want you guys, Stella, peter and Hugo to find love like this, only get married when you find this type of love

Vilu: awwww, we are setting a example

Helen: I don't see why your family don't approve of the marriage, can't they see that you two are in love

Vilu: because he doesn't trust men, after that thing with my mum there was a lot of distrust between my dad and men

Leon: its very complicated

Vilu: I told Leon the whole story

Valeria: you know each other very well

Vilu: yeah, we literally have spent since Saturday together none stop, I love Leon to the moon and back

Erick: wow, that's a lot

Vilu: I have moved into Leons house

Stella: you know each other like inside and out!

Vilu: yeah, he is a beautiful person

Leon: I love her with all my heart

Peter: I think you said that already

Leon: I really can't exaggerate it enough

Vilu: come on Stella, lets go for a walk, we are becoming cousins and I want to find out Leons secrets

Stella: ok, let's go (they started to walk down the street) so, I know Leon so well and he is crazy

Vilu: I have noticed that

Stella: you're the first girl he has settled for

Vilu: yeah, I guessed that

Stella: me and Leon always text each other and help each other to solve and talk about our problems

Vilu: awwww that's lovely

Stella: I really do think you are lucky to have him

Vilu: my husband to be is amazing

Stella: I do know that he is desperate for kids

Vilu: im afraid he will have to wait, im in no rush, I never grew up around kids so im not really wanting them

Stella: but he really want them

Vilu: he has to wait, at the end of the day im the one who has to carry it for 9 months and take care of it

Stella: will you ever have kids

Vilu: of course, just not now

Stella: I want my cousin to be happy

Vilu: and I will make him happy

Stella: me and Leon are protective of each other

Vilu: and I appreciate that

Stella: I want my cousin to have the perfect wife, he shouldn't have to sacrifice anything! You hear me

Vilu: I know, I can be the perfect wife but I do also have boundaries and Leon and you have to understand that

Stella: I don't want him to sacrifice

Vilu: I agree

Stella: so have kids within the first year

Vilu: no, im not ready for that

Stella: then your not the right person

Vilu: I've had enough, I don't need to explain myself to you, im my own person and your mad that im going to take time away from you and Leon! That is why you are jealous! Just get use to it

Stella: no! Your not the right in the head

Vilu: goodbye! I will be telling Leon about this (went back and went to Leon and cuddled him crying)

Leon: what's wrong babe

Vilu: can we talk in private please

Leon: ok (picked her up and cuddled her then put her down on the bed) what has happened baby

Vilu: Stella doesn't think that I'm right for you, its hard because I'm trying so hard to win your family over when my family life is completely horrible and I think it's very good that im ignoring it

Leon: I know

Vilu: I've just had enough of today

Leon: please stay here, how about we go to bed now and watch a movie and chill, that sounds fun

Vilu: ok, how do you always make me feel better

Leon: because I love you

Vilu: come on, let's go get ready

Leon: great idea (they got ready for bed and cuddled up and watched a romantic and funny movie)

Vilu: thanks baby, I feel a lot better

Leon: no problem baby

Vilu: you are the best

Leon: I just want you to know that I will grow at your pace

Vilu: thank you

Leon: you are the best

Vilu: no honestly you are

Leon: come here baby (kissed her passionately)

Vilu: im so tired, let's sleep babe

Leon: I agree (they went to sleep)

2 parts in one as I am having trouble with my account

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