Phone call from Romello

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Vilu: so, how many kids do you want

Leon: quite a few

Vilu: and when do you want the kids

Leon: whenever you want them, as soon as you want them then I will be overjoyed! I want to go at your pace

Vilu: thank you baby

Leon: so tomorrow is our last night of freedom

Vilu: yeah

Leon: can I have another kiss

Vilu: no problem (kissed him)

Leon: come on, let's sleep, we have a busy few days ahead of us! We barely have time to ourselves

Vilu: yeah, I love you baby (they went to sleep)

The next morning downstairs

Vilu: morning

Erick: hey

Adriana: how did you sleep

Leon: fantastic

Hugo: we are leaving soon! I can't wait!

Vilu: I just want the time to come

Peter: everyone needs to pack

Vilu: yeah, that reminds me, I need to make a few phone calls before we leave! (went up to her room)

She called Romello

V: hey! Its me vilu

R: hey! How are you

V: good, im currently in Guadalajara in Mexico!

R: wow! Im proud of you

V: thank you, my wedding is tomorrow

R: congratulations! I really want to be there

V: I would really love for you to come

R: ok, im there, text me the details

V: ok

Put the phone on loud speaker and texted the details of the wedding! She couldn't stop smiling

V: ok, I sent it

R: who can I bring

V: anyone! I would love it if you bring everyone from home! I missed everyone like mad! Even my dad

R: ok, how about you call your dad and don't tell him that im coming and just have a talk, its his daughter's wedding

V: ok, see you tomorrow, by the way it is a small wedding on the beach and if my dad doesn't want to, could you walk me down the aisle

R: ok, I can't wait

V: same, love you! See you

They hang up

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