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"Dude my parents are gonna kill me if they found out you broke in!!" I panicked

"And that's the least of your concerns when there's a murderer right next to you?"

"Nah man that's my top concern, I'll be kicked out."

I stared down at his right hand and noticed he had a knife

"This is the part where I run, isn't it? You have like a knife" I said

He nodded and I quickly ran upstairs and fell back down, causing him to fall down unexpectedly.

"aH-" I yelped as he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down to where we were face to face

"Murder isn't cool, man. Find something cool to do like uh watch porn with some random hot chick"

He gripped my wrist tighter from that and didn't stop until he finished speaking

"I'll give you a tiny head start up the stairs, it's better when they run~" he let go of my wrist

I ran to the top of the stairs where my bedroom door was.

"Sorry dude, can not murdered today, my parents want me to live until I retire at least,"

I could hear his goofy ass lowly chuckling.

I partially closed my door and made the closet door's knob which was directly behind my door, overlap the knobs, causing it to lock.

He rushed up and stood there, trying to get the knife through.

"Sorry man, can't let your kinkiness get to me," I shrugged my shoulders

"I hate you so much"

"Love you too, bae," I climbed out of my window after opening it

you broke my fucking window dude - ghostface x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now