A check up

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Narrator's POV
It was now morning and Sebastian was getting ready for the day. While Ciel was still tucked away in his bed asleep. Sebastian headed down stairs to direct the servants with there chores. After telling Bard to prepare breakfast. He went back up stairs. Mentally noting what needed to be done for the day. Number one priority for Sebastian was to take Ciel to his dr appointment then get him a blankie from the store. He wanted his precious little boy to have all he needed. But before he could give him all his little heart desired he needed to take him to get his check up.

Ciel's POV
I woke up to the bright sun in my eyes. I covered my face with my bitter rabbit shielding my face from the suns bright rays. Where's daddy? I thought to myself. I removed bitter from my face. Sitting up in my bed, searching it for my paci. I quickly found it and stuck it in my mouth. "Da-ee" I called out around the nip in my mouth. Not even a second later he walked in my room.

Sebastian's POV
Ciel called for me so I swiftly made my way from my room to his room. When I entered he was sitting on the bed, paci in his mouth, bouncing, reaching his arms out and making grabby hands. I happily walked over to the bed lifting him up. "Did you sleep well precious boy?" I asked as I rubbed his back and hugged him "yea I seep good da-ee." He said and stuck his paci back into his mouth. "That's good baby." I said as I laid him down and started to change him into a new nappy and a outfit for the day. I put him in some blue cotton shorts and a matching blue shirt with little dinosaurs on it. "Today we got to go to the doctor and show them how much you've grown!" I said enthusiastically as he made a whimper noise looking at me with a not so happy look on his face. He had every right to not be excited about the doctors visit. In fact today he was due for some shots. But I'm not gonna tell him now, it will just upset him. "Then after the doctor we will go get you a blankie! And maybe a new toy too if your good." He perked up at that. "Ya! A bankie an a oy! He said as I picked him back up and he happily started squirming in my arms. "Calm down baby, remember you got to be good at the doctor to get a toy. Lets go eat some yummy breakfast Bard made us. I told him as I descended down the stairs with him on my hip.

Time skip
Narrator's POV
The car rolled into the parking lot of the doctors office. Ciel was fidgeting with his hands and bitter. Butterflies swarmed his stomach, making him suck his paci more intensely. As he stared out the window at the building in fear. Sebastian put the car in park, taking note of his little's nervousness. "Don't worry baby we will leave very soon and go to the store." Sebastian said as he got out the car. Walking to the other car door and grabbing Ciel. Ciel immediately laid his head on Sebastian shoulders. Then they made there way inside. Sebastian signed them in and sat down in the waiting room. Ciel shifted in Sebastian's lap nervously, staring at the exit. He pointed at it and tugged at Sebastian's shirt whining. "Go" Ciel said looking at Sebastian. "No, baby we got see the doctor first. Then we can go." Sebastian said shifting Ciel to face him. "Can you be my good strong brave little boy?" Sebastian cooed at Ciel. Ciel smiled at Sebastian's change in tone, clapping excitedly and bouncing a little bit. Ciel had just slipped further into little space. Sebastian immediately realized by his little one's response. Sebastian entertained a giggly cooing Ciel for a few more minutes until the nurse called them back.

Sebastian Pov
I was babbling with Ciel when I heard his name get called across the waiting room. I scooped him up and made my way to the nurse in the doorway. We started walking, going to check Ciel's height and weight, she started cooing and talking to Ciel. The action surprising me. He let out an excited squeal as he watched her. "You are just the cutest little thing yes you are". She said in a baby voice at him. "Dad, would you mind helping me get little Ciel's height." She asked me. "Yes, of course." I put Ciel's feet on the ground against the wall supporting his standing with my hands under his arms. "All done, now can set him on the scale for me please." She asked and I did as she said. As soon as I set him on the scale he started reaching for me wanting me to pick him back up. "Da!" I chuckled he is just too cute. "Aaand all done, his height and weight look perfect. You can pick him back up Mr. Michaelis and follow me to your room." She said as she showed us to the room. "The doctor will be with you shortly she said waving at Ciel "bye bye". She said then shut the door and we waited for the doctor. After about five minutes who I assumed was the doctor knocked and walked in. He was a tall man with white hair. "Hello, Mr Michaelis. I am Dr Agni. I assume this cute little one here is Ciel." The dr said getting down on one knee in-front of Ciel who was on my lap. "Yes this is my son Ciel. You can call me Sebastian, doctor." I reached my hand out to give his a firm shake. "In that case you can just call me Agni." Agni walked over to the counter and put on some latex gloves. "Alright let's begin now. Can you please put Ciel on the exam bed and undress him down to his nappy? I'm going to do a standard exam before the vaccination." "Yes, of course." I stood up with Ciel in my arms and set him on the exam bed. Taking his blue dinosaur shirt off and lastly his shorts. Leaving him in his nappy and with his paci. I stepped back to give the doctor space to proceed with the exam but still staying close. He listened to Ciel's heart which he did not enjoy the cold stethoscope on his chest. Trying to grab the device. Agni looked in his ears and checked his temperature. Then he checked his reflexes which made Ciel giggle. Resulting in me and the doctor laughing as well. Lastly he looked at his mismatched eyes. "Alright now Sebastian, you can get your little one dressed. I'll be right back with the vaccine." I laid Ciel down and got his shorts on then sat him up and put his shirt on. Just in time for Agni to walk back in the room. "Sebastian would you like to hold Ciel while I administer this?" "Yes, of course." I picked Ciel up from the bed and cradled him in my arms facing him towards the doctor as I sat down in the chair. I guess my face showed my anticipation. "Sebastian I know it can be hard seeing them cry but it will be over quickly. I can see the anticipation on your face. I have a little myself and this part is never easy but it will be over quickly." "No, no I'm fine. You said you have a little as well, Agni?" "Yes I do his name is Soma. He can be quite the handful. Now let's proceed with this vaccine so we can get you two out of here." Agni wiped Ciel's arm with a wipe. Catching Ciel's attention, he looked at Agni with curios eyes confused as to what was happening. Agni grabbed Ciel's arm and injected the medication. I could feel Ciel tense up in my arms. His lip poked out quivering and he let out a loud cry, his paci falling to the floor. Agni quickly stuck a bandaid to his arm. I pulled him towards me laying his head on my shoulder and rocking him trying to soothe his cries. "Shhh shhh it's ok baby I'm sorry precious I know that hurt. There no more baby it's all done now. You did so good for daddy I'm so proud of you my brave little boy." His cries continued for another five minutes then turned to sniffles, I wiped his tears and stood up. "I'm sorry about that Sebastian but y'all are all done now. You can leave whenever and here is his paci." Agni said picking Ciel's paci up off the ground and washing it off and handing it to me. "I have another patient to get too now good bye Sebastian." "Good bye Agni". I said grabbing the paci and leaving. I got to the car and buckled Ciel up. His eyes were droopy and he was whining still wanting to be held. I gave him his paci which he immediately started sucking rhythmically. Making his whines stop and his eyes begin to shut. Alright next stop is the store for my precious boy.

Narrators POV
After about a 30 minute drive they arrived at the children's store. Sebastian knew better then to wake Ciel from such a short nap. Even with him being new to taking care of Ciel at such a small head space. Sebastian sat in the car while Ciel napped for another 30 minutes and made a list of things needed for his little. He still couldn't believe a demon such as himself could be so lucky to have such a sweet child.

Sebastian's POV
I'm going to buy some more sippy cups, some bottles as well. Hmm... baby powder and rash ointment. A paci clip, maybe a teether as well and the most important thing Ciel's blankie. I checked the time to see 40 minutes had passed. That should be good enough for a nap. I got out the car and got Ciel out of the car as well. Gently carrying Ciel cradled in my arms into the store with half awake eyes.

Narrators POV
While little Ciel was still waking up Sebastian decided to start shopping. Getting everything his little boy might need. He grabbed a buggy with one arm while cradling Ciel with the other and descended down the aisle. Sebastian grabbed diapers, bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, pacifier clips and a few new outfits and pajamas. "Da....da-da" Ciel mumbled reaching up for Sebastian.

Sebastian's POV
I finally got all the essential when Ciel woke up. "Hiii baby, did you have a good nap lovely?" I asked tapping his nose. "Ehh ahh ba da!" He said in a happy voice. I set Ciel in the seat in the buggy and made my way to the baby blankets. I found the softest ones and held them out for him to pick. "Which one baby? Which one do you want?" I cooed holding them out to him. "Ehh ahh ba!" He squealed reaching for the soft blue blanket with yellow stars. "I like that one too baby." I said then handing it to him. He hugged it, still sucking his paci contently. "Do you wanna get a toy baby?" "Eee aaah poy!" He squealed out excitedly. I chuckled at how happy he was. He shook his blankie in his hand excitedly saying some gibberish around his paci, but immediately stopped with a slight jump and whine. His little arm was sore from the shot earlier. I gently rubbed his arm and soothed him before his whines turned to cries. We quickly made our way to the toy aisle. I picked him up and put him on my hip. Giving him a closer look at the toys. He scanned the aisle transfixed on all the toys in front of him. There was many things to choose from. Plushies, blocks, wooden cars, rattles, and some light up and talking toys. I grabbed a light up rattle showing it to Ciel. He seemed to really like it. Shaking it in his hand happily and stopping to stare at the lights activated by the motion. Now that I got everything needed and Ciel got his new blanket and toy I bought all the stuff and we made our way home for the day.

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