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Ciel's Pov
"Wake up, wake up Ciel. Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey". My dad said waking me up and caressing my head. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "Ah, your finally awake". He said while gently kissing my forehead. I sat up and looked at the end of the bed. There was a school uniform layed out. Oh no I almost forgot about going to school today. My face showed my worry. "You will be alright Ciel, you should be excited you are going to make some friends today and meet all your teachers. Arms up" he said to me so he could change my shirt. After I was dressed, we went downstairs and Baldroy had prepared some chicken and waffles with a glass of chocolate milk. I sat down and began to eat. "Thank you, breakfast is good," I thanked him handing him the plate. I hopped down from the chair and got my shoes on. My dad was right behind me with my backpack. We walked out the door and drove to school.
(Time skip driving to school)

We walked into the school together, I was now carrying my backpack. My dad led me to the principal office. We sat and my dad talked to the principal she introduced herself as Grell. She handed me my papers and explained my schedule to us. "If you have any questions or problems you can always come to me dear" she said. "O-ok" I replied timidly. "Alright now off to class Ciel, you don't want to be late on your first day", she said. We walked out of the principals office and I gave my dad a hug before we walked our separate ways for the day.

Sebastian's Pov
I am a little worried leaving Ciel since he is so shy but I think this will be good for him. Being around kids his age might help him not be so nervous all the time. I thought to myself as I walked back to my car. *Sigh* I don't know what to do while he is gone. I guess I'll just go home and start up a new toy design.

Ciel's Pov
I haven't even walked into the class yet and I'm already so nervous. I really hope no one is mean to me. I thought to myself as I entered the door way to the classroom. "Welcome to my class Ciel, I am Mrs Layton . Class we have a new student joining us today, this is Ciel." "Hi Ciel" all the students said in unison. "H-hi", I said giving a slight wave to all the kids staring at me. "All right now Ciel why don't you go sit right there, next to Elizabeth". I walked over to the desk and sat down in it. "Hi my name is Elizabeth Midford, so your names Ciel right?" She asked in a over excited voice. "Yeah my n-name is Ciel, Ciel Michaelis." "Omg, Michaelis, like the creator of funtom toys! Is your dad like Sebastian Michaelis?" She asked "Y-yeah, how do you know my d-dads name?" I asked nervously. "Because he is the creator of the most popular toy company ever! That makes you practically famous", she giggled. "Alright class eyes on me please, class is starting now." Wow I think I might have just made a friend, she is super nice, I thought to myself.

Nobodies Pov
While Ciel was focusing on the lecture the teacher gave. He was unaware of the blonde boy who was sitting in the back of the class by the name of Alois Trancy. This boy was not focusing on the lecture but instead Ciel.

Ciel's Pov
The bell finally rang indicating that it was lunch time. I was excited to eat what my dad had packed me for lunch. "Ciel do you want to sit with me?" Elizabeth asked. "Yeah". "Ok I will go save our seats" she said running off towards the lunch room. I grabbed my lunch box and went and used the bathroom before making my way to the lunch room. I walked out into the hallway and heard the last person I wanted to hear. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Ciel Phantomhive". "Oh no", I whispered to myself. "Do you like my new friends"? Alois said snickering. Alois was taller than me by several inches and now he has two bullies friends that are just as big as him, just great. "Why are you even here"? I asked trying not to sound scared. "Well you see Ciel I got kicked out of our old school because of you being a little baby! So I think it's time we toughen you up a bit so that don't happen again" he said as the three of them cornered me. I pushed Alois back and the other boys grabbed my wrist. I fought their grip but it was too tight. "Oh just wait till I tell Claude your here Ciel, haha." I tried to hold back my tears. I don't want to relive this nightmare! He kicked me several times then shoved me to the floor. I was now crying, I tried to get up and run but they grabbed my shirt. "Haha where do you think your going?" Alois asked teasingly. "Let me go, let me go. Daddy!" I cried trying to get away. Haha crying like a little girl and for your "daddy" ha! How pathetic." He laughed mockingly. "Let me going!!" I cried. "You act like a little girl, I bet you are a girl, let's find out." He said laughing evilly. The two boys tightened there grip as Alois started to grab my shorts . I kicked trying to get out of their grip. "Stop, please!" I cried. I kicked Alois in the face causing him to loose his grip on my shorts. Then the lunch bell rang indicating that lunch was over. They all let go dropping me to the floor. "This isn't over yet you little girl" Alois said running off with his friends. I got up and grabbed my stuff. I walked to the bathroom with my head down trying to stop crying. I wiped my tears and then went to class. "Where were you Ciel? I saved you a seat at lunch" Elizabeth said worried. " Oh I wasn't feeling good so I decided I didn't want to eat". I said trying not to cry again. I just layed my head down the rest of the day waiting for the bell to ring so I could leave this hell hole.
The bell finally rang dismissing the school day. I slowly grabbed my stuff and walked outside to where the parent pick up was. I saw my dads car and walked over to it and got in.

Sebastian's Pov
The school day was finally over and it was time for me to go get Ciel from school. I was in the pick up line when I spotted Ciel. He walked over to the car looking at the ground and hopped in. He had his hoodie on even though it wasn't cold outside at all. "Well hello my sweet boy, how was your day today?" I asked as I started driving back home. Ciel instantly started crying. He had his face in his knees crying and trembling. "Ciel what's wrong? What happened"? I asked concerned. He just continued to cry into his legs shaking his head no. I couldn't do much while I was driving so I rubbed soothing circles on his back with one hand. I rushed home and got out the car and went to his side of the car opening the door to grab him. He immediately jumped into my arms crying and trembling. "D-d-daddy" is all he said through his cries. I walked inside with him in my arms. The servants all looked very concerned. "Please go grab Ciel's backpack out of my car" I asked them. I continued to walk up to Ciel's room. I sat down on his bed with Ciel still in my lap clinging to me. "Ciel, breath baby, breath, your ok, we are home and you are safe, daddy is right here" I said in a calming voice rubbing circles on his back. "N-no" he said through sniffles. "No what?" "I'm n-not safe" he said crying more. I grabbed him pulling him close and rocking back and forth with him in my lap. "Ciel, baby you are home with daddy, no one is gonna hurt you I promise, I need you to tell me what happened so I can make it better." "H-he was there, him and his friends hurt me". Ciel said then hiding his face in my chest. I could feel my blood start to bowl as he said this and I realized that some kids had caused Ciel to be in such a state of distress. "Can you tell me who "he" is and then we will go get some ice-cream to make it better." "A-Alois", he said. "Ok thank you for telling me, now we will go get some ice cream I said standing with him in my arms and poking his nose. Let's get some pajamas on you first, I said taking his hoodie off and shirt. I saw the fresh bruises on his wrist and stomach. "Ciel did those boys do this to you"? He just nodded his head looking down. "Baby you don't have to go back to that school you will stay home with daddy". He sighed with relief. I went to grab his shorts to take them off but he put his hand on mine to stop me. "No," he said starting to tear up again. "Ciel, I'm just going to put your pajama pants on, see I got you some new ones there super soft feel them." "O-ok" he said giving in. I took his shorts off and was horrified to see scratches where the top of his shorts sit, like someone tried to take them off. I put his pajama pants on and didn't draw attention to it, not wanting to upset him even more. I picked him up and walked down stairs. "Let's go get some ice cream, we can have dinner later", I said while cradling him. "Mr Sebastian, we need to speak with you." Meyrin whispered. "Go get in the car Ciel I'll be right there" I said handing him his phone and kissing his forehead. "Sir I don't know what happened with Ciel today but his lunch was untouched, I know you said he used to barely eat so I thought I would let you know, he hasn't eaten. *Sigh. Thank you for telling me Meyrin also cancel my meeting for tomorrow I have some business to handle at that school. Call the school and schedule a meeting with the principal, inform them that it is urgent I said walking out the door and hoping in the car with Ciel. Alright Ciel are you ready to go get some ice-cream, you can get whatever you want. "Yeah I want mint chocolate chip. My favorite." He said through sniffles trying to be happy. "Sounds yummy" I said as we drove to the ice cream shop. How am I gonna handle this kid? I can't just kill him, I thought to myself angrily. I guess I have to handle this situation the old fashioned way I thought annoyed.

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