episode 7

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 Shadow was confident in himself as he got in his fighting stance, thinking to himself that it would be over in a matter of seconds but that all vanished when he saw Sonic 20 feet from him to suddenly in front of him, kicking him into the gut making himself stumble, catching himself before he could fall to the ground.

'Argh WHAT THE ...RGH'

sonic swung one of his powerful legs and landed it across the side of Shadow's face with the black hedgehog backing away as he held onto his new injury.

'Hah, what the matter shadow, you don't usually give me an easy fight'

sonic went back to his first move, attempting to hit Shadow again however he caught his leg with his fist just in time chuckling as he grip onto the teen fist saying in an excited tone. 

'I can assure you that will be the last time you hit me'

as soon as he said that he threw the strongest punch at the teens gut telling him

 'that what you gets for defying me' before sending him flying, hitting back against a nearby tree.

shadow thought it would be over due to no one being ever able to withstand his punch but to his surprise he saw sonic in the distance standing before he saw him again in front of him, kneeing him in the abdomen and then jump in the air for him to do a spin dash, hitting him in the torso sending him flying against a tree himself, not believing that the teen could get up and still fight as he saw the teen not in pain but instead was wearing a confident smirk.


imposters mind:

''how the hell is he this strong when he just a hedgehog.... and that speed must be what the doctor warm me about.......he's not someone I should take lightly but if I had my way, he would be a perfect solider to lead the black arms with me but yet that talent is wasted on his good nature of his''


'come on shadow, don't tell me that's all you got'

shadow got back up and walk closer till he was about ten foot near the teen then use his own speed to run up to him landing a punch across sonic face with him recovering quickly as shadow attacking him back the same way, throwing the other off his concentrate and memorizing all the teens skills and technique on how he fights.


both have been fighting for 2 hours with sonic starting to feel exhaustion while shadow on the other hand was feeling the pain from the teens hits but the two wasn't going to give up as they both ran to one another to make their final strike.

as shadow ran he saw that sonic speed was slower this time due to his own exhaustion with shadow using it to his advantage when sonic raise his fist in the air to hit him but in that moment shadow duck down kicking his leg out with the teen then stumbling over for shadow to then tackle sonic to the ground pinning him on the grass.

shadow soon claim that he has won the fight as sonic hit the ground, panting for his breath back before smiling at shadow and emitting defeat to the other.

'fine, you win shadow, clearly your stronger than me when it comes to hand to hand combat but, you have to admit I was pretty good myself this time huh'

'you are a challenge yes, but I hope I don't have to fight against you to the death one day'

shadow realized what he said and thought it was against his nature for him to say that he won't kill him as sonic could only laugh before replying

'of course we won't shadow.....you and me are together now so there's no need for our fights to get to that point'

as sonic said this, shadow saw the care and heart the teen had for his enemy as sonic held onto his hands linking the two together while the teen gave him a warm loving smile, starring at him was making the shadow feel something new, something that he wanted to take and have for himself.

'so what do you want for your reward, as we agreed it will be anything so just name it and I'll give you whatever you want'

sonic was still smiling as he look at the other who wanted to say that he wanted the emerald but deep in the back of his mind he also wanted something else from the teen with him trying his hardest to finish the mission he had to do but secretly wanted to stay with him longer.

'I want the emerald you found'

'I knew you were going to say that, fine you can have it, let's get inside and I'll give it to you after we clean are self's off'

after the two bathed sonic ran off and came back with the emerald before they both agreed to get some sleep.


that night:

sonic was asleep in shadow's arms with him staring back at the teen thinking as he held onto him close, rubbing his thumb against sonic cheek.


''my mission is complete and I now have the last emerald but why do I feel refreshed and contempt with this mobian and his blood........it's no wounder shadow keeps him close but I never expect them two to be this close........or is it what the theses mobian's call love.......no it can't be, shadow is emotionless creature that only knows destruction and hatred nothing else.

he maybe keeping this boy around him for his hunger, but then again when I told him that I would tear this hedgehog apart Infront of him I saw the desperation in shadow eyes, like as if he didn't want me going anywhere near this one''


shadow slowly moved sonic away from him and stood up and was about to walk out of the room but not without looking back at the teen who was still sleeping peacefully then left to head back to his soldier's, thinking all sorts of emotions that was now wrapping around his alien brain.

'excitement, contentment and satisfaction...happiness?...love?...is this what I am experiencing  when I'm with him?'.....tsk no way would I have these feelings for someone when I'm the most heartless being the universe will ever know'  

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