The hatch

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It was a long day guarding the rock until it hatched

Sun Wukong: (He sighs as it has been a long day of guarding the rock until he heard a crack) Huh!? It's cracking!!! What do I do!?!!!!
(It hatched and there the rock hatched and a baby came out of there)
Sun Wukong: Huh? A baby? Oh right! I should probably give you a name huh?
(Mk giggled)
Sun Wukong: hmm how about Qí Xiǎotiān?
(Mk looked at him in confusion)
Sun Wukong: Ok to long.. How about.. Mk!
(Mk just laughed)
Sun Wukong: I guess Mk it is, It's late I should probably take you home huh
(He went home with Mk in his hands)

Sun Wukong: Alright, I'll make a crib for you (He created a crib with his hair) There you go.
(Mk just yawned and fell asleep quickly)
Sun Wukong: (He just looked at him then sighed) Today has been a long day

~The next day~

Sun Wukong woke up to the sound of crying he looked over to see Mk crying and a few monkeys trying to calm him down, one monkey tried to give him his milk in a baby bottle but couldn't reach, Wukong got up

Sun Wukong: Give me the milk I'll give it to him (He sighed tiredly)
The Monkies gave him the milk and monkey king took it and grabbed mk.

Mk quickly got the milk and drank it he giggled soon after that
Wukong just stared at him with tiredness and wanted to go back to sleep but couldn't so he played with Mk for the rest of the day plus giving him food of course.

~Time skip~

It's been a few days since Mk appeared out of the rock the monkeys and Wukong were honestly getting used to him until...

Sun Wukong: Alright c'mon bud it's time to eat some food
(He looked in the fridge and there was nothing in it he sighed)
Sun Wukong: Alright I guess we have to go out
(He felt a dark presence)
Sun Wukong: I know your here..

That's the end of part 1 I hope you guys like it it's my 1st story so I'm kinda nervous and my work count is 375

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