Samadhi Map

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Time skip it's been a few days and Wukong told Macaque something..

Mac: Is she really more powerful..
SWK: Yes, and the only thing that can defeat her is..
Mac: Is.?.
SWK: The Samadhi Fire..?
Mac: WHAT!?
SWK: Yep, about to fight Nezha because he has the map of the Samadhi Rings
Mac: You are a demonic monkey
SWK: I thought we all knew that-

Macaque sighed

Mac: Well you better hurry because I'm getting a bad feeling
SWK: Yep, I'll be back as soon as I can bye!!
Mac: Bye..

And with that Wukong stopped using the name of that power, can someone please tell me how to spell it?

Pigsy: Your dad, sure is taking a while
Mk: Yep, but I've been in contact
Tang: How?
Mk: Oh, he uses Astral Projection (Thank you ChaaryChaney for telling me how to spell it!)
Pigsy: Uuh-
Mk: I have to learn
Mei: You understand that?
Mk&Pigsy: You get used to it

Macaque appeared

Mac: Hey kid, I have news for you
Mk: What is it?
Mac: I'm the 6-Eared-Macaque
Mei: Why? I only see 2 ears?
Mac: You'll figure that out
Pigsy: The news?
Mac: Wukong is coming back
Mk: Papa is coming back!?
Mac: Yep

Macaque Pov

I wonder what he did to get the samadhi map, wait.. DOESNT NEZHA KEEP THE MAP!? DID HE FIGHT HIM!? Oh who am I kidding, he probably did

No one's Pov

Mk and Macaque went to the Flower Fruit Mountain and waited for Wukong, a half an hour later they saw Wukong his clothes were a bit wreaked, and his cloud looked like it was about to Disappear, when he landed his cloud died aka disappeared and Wukong almost passed out when he landed

Mac: Wukong!
Mk: Papa!
SWK: Hello..

And with that he passed out

Hmm a yes passing out will he have amnesia or not? Keep reading!

He woke up, with bandages on his head, tail, and waist

SWK: Uuuh, what happened?
Mac: You passed out
SWK: And the kid?
Mac: Sleeping

It was night time
It was 4am

SWK: Oh.. How long was I out?
Mac: Id say.. about.. 6 hours? If I remember correctly that is
Mac: Shh, you don't want to wake up the kid right?
SWK: Yeah..
Mac: So, did you actually fight Nezha?
SWK: How did you..?
Mac: Easy, he has the samadhi map, Wich meant you were going to fight him since he takes his job very seriously, unlike you
SWK: ...

They talked a bit then went to sleep

The next day

Mk: Papa! Are you ok!?
SWK: Yep, just a bit tired
Mk: Then why were your clothes all torn?
SWK: Oh, you know just a good fight, all the foods were big since they are giants

Mk gasped


Mks tail started to wag from excitement, am I making him to child like I mean he is sixteen.. but he doesn't need to act like one, am I making him to child like?
... Maybe

Wukong chuckled

Macaque woke up and went outside seeing a bandaged Wukong standing and not resting

Mac: Wukong, you need to rest

He said in a worried but stern voice

SWK: It's fine, I just need to meditate
Mac: Wukong..
SWK: Yes?
Mac: I-

He sighed

Mac: Just go meditate.. I'll take care of Mk..

Wukong smiled, He went inside the house and started meditating, You could see him meditating

Macaque sighed

Mac: Alright, let's go visit your friends
Mk: Ok

When they got to pigsy cuz like where else? Bro- I just got an idea..
It's really bad
And by bad I mean like problem
Since if I do it
We might not see Wukong..

Should I do it?

The end

Hey guys I'm really grateful for 997 almost 1k views but my sleep schedule is like really bad so I might not post but I'll try my best while Also sleeping aka Actually having a sleep schedule
I hope y'all are ok with that
Word count: 685

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