Chapter 13

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Mei: So, let us help you guys because we're a team!
Mk: Mei's right! We're a team! Which means we have each other's back!

Macaque scoffed

Mac: Alright fine

Mei&Mk: Yaaaaay!
Mac: I know someone who might be able to help.. They kinda created the Samadhi Fire that we need to destroy LBD..
Mk: What!? Who!?
Mei: Yeah! Who is this mystery person!?
Mac: The son of The Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, Redson
Mk: Woah, Woah, Woah, Slow down, They had a child!?
Mk&Tang: A Celestial and a Demon!?
Mac: Yes..

Wukong has woken up from his meditation, and Macaque noticed

Mac: Hey Wukong?
SWK: Yeah?
Mac: Is there 3 or 4 rings?
SWK: I believe there's 3 but there might be 4.. Honestly it's been such a long time that I don't even remember

Macaque sighed

Mac: If there was a Fourth ring then where would it be?

Wukong thought for a second then gasped

Mac: Peaches, Where would the fourth ring be?
SWK: There is a fourth ring, and it's inside a..

He looked away

Mac: Inside a..?
SWK: Person..?
Everyone-SWK&Mac: WHAAAT!?
Mac: So someone has the fourth ring of the Samadhi Fire inside them?
SWK: Yeah..?

Macaque sighed

Mac: Who has it?
SWK: Ao Lie.. But he's dead, so I'm not sure who has it now..
Mei: I have it..
Pigsy,Tang&Mk: What!?
Mac: And how do you know this?
Mei: Because Ao Lie is my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, times a thousand Great Grandfather
SWK: Oh..
Mac: Redson can give you fire training
SWK: Oh yeah

After they went to the lair of the Demon Bull Family

The Demon Bull Bot stopped them at the door

Mac: They're with me

The Demon Bull Bot then glared at Macaque then at them like 'Seriously?' but let them in

PIF: Lui'er! How have you been?
Mac: Good, but we need to borrow someone, if that's ok
PIF: Who and how long?
Mac: Redson, and for a few days maybe a week or 1 month, it depends
PIF: He can handle himself, ok, you can borrow him, if he wants to
Mac: Of course
PIF: Redson!
RD: Yes, Mother?
PIF: Would you like to be out with Lui'r for a few days, week, or a month?
RD: Of course, it would be a delight getting to know Lui'r, I don't see him often
PIF: Well, that answers that, you may borrow Redson, Bring him back when your done going wherever you guys are going
Mac: Of course

When they got to the flying ship, also yes that's what I'm calling it now

RD: Lui'r..?
Mac: Yes?
RD: Why did you want me here..?

Macaque sighed

Mac: Ok, so, you know the Samadhi Fire that you made?

Redson looked at him a bit shocked that he mentioned it

RD: Yes, what about it?
Mac: We need you to train the person who is going to have it

Redsons eyes widen

RD: Someone is going to have my fire..?

Macaque nodded

RD: Who..?

Macaque pointed at Mei

RD: Oh, I see..

The end

Guys help I started testing today and there was also a field trip and that's fine be the exact same thing tomorrow, I don't think I will be able to post tomorrow..

But if I can, I will

Also thank you for 2.67k reads!!!

It means so much to me, thank you for the support

Word count: 579

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