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SWK: Kid, I have to go to a vacation to visit some.. old friends!
Mk: Can I come along?
SWK: Ah sorry bud but I have to go alone
Mk: Ok..
SWK: Ill come back though, and Macaque will be here with you!
Mac: Wukong I need to talk to you
SWK: Ok..

They went to another room

SWK: So, what did you want to talk about?
Mac: I think you know exactly what I want to talk about.
SWK: The vacation, right?
Mac: Yep, and I'm guessing your going to look at how to defeat her?
SWK: Yes, so I'll check through (The name of that power that speaks through mind cuz idk how to spell that-) and you'll also have to train him ok?

Macaque sighed

Mac: Ok, but tell me as soon as you know how to defeat her, ok?
SWK: Yep, now let's go back to the kid

They went back to Mk

SWK: Alright, Kid?
Mk: Yeah?
SWK: I will be leaving tomorrow, ok?
Mk: Ok..
SWK: Hey don't look so sad, Macaque will be here for you and also training you!
Mk: nOoOo
SWK: Do you not like him?
Mk: What? No! Nothing like that but, his trainings are hard!!!
SWK: What?
Mac: I think you just can't handle it!

Mk dramatically gasped

Mk: I can handle it!
Mac: Then show me
Mk: I will!

The next day

Wukong left, and Mk was training with Macaque

Mac: You gotta hit harder!
Mk: I am hitting it hard!
Mac: Well, then either your hitting weak or your stance needs to be better!

Macaque looked at Mks Stance

Mac: Alright let's focus on your stance
Mk: Again!?
Mac: Well, maybe if you actually did your stance correct then we wouldn't have to be doing this again!

Mk sighed

After some time, Mk was sweating

Macaque sighed

Mac: Let's take a break
Mk: Thank God

Totally not me being lazy and running out of ideas-

After training Mk went to Piggy's

Tang: Hello Mk
Pigsy: Your here later then expected
Mk: Yeah, I was training with Macaque and his training are more harder
Tang: Really?
Mk: Yeah..
Pigsy: Wasn't he the one that copied Monkie King?
Mk: Yeah..

He said tiredly

Not me being Mexican and having trouble spelling tiredly-

Tang: Why are you training with him?
Mk: Cuz Papa is in vacation, visiting his old friends
Pigsy: And he left you alone!?
Mk: No he left me with Macaque, he said it
Tang: Why are you trusting macaque?
Mk: Because Papa and him are in good terms now

Help- When I look in front of me I hear this high pitch noise and when I look over there it Disappears-

Am I being spied on-?

Tang: How are they in good terms?
Mk: Uuuh, I don't know, something to do about the fillet I think?
Tang: The fillet?
Pigsy: What's a fillet?
Tang: The fillet was put on Monkey King, when Tang sazong (Something like that) put the golden crown AKA the fillet when he said the spell to activate it, it would squeeze his head, it would hurt a lot
Tang: But what does the fillet got to do with them getting on good terms
Mk: Oh! That's because-

Before he could finish the sentence he got inturupted by Macaque

Mac: That's enough, I don't think we should reveal it, it should be Wukong, after all he's the one that should reveal it, not us
Mk: Ok
Tang: Woah! How did you not get scared by that!?
Mk: Eh, you get used to it

They talked for a while then they had to head home

The next day

Mk woke up and did he's usual routine
Wash up, train with Wuko- macaque I guess that changed he trained with Macaque took a break, and then went to Piggy's and did his job at least that's what he thought, when he finished delivering he was going to train with Macaque again when Redson appeared

They bumped into each other

Redson: Watch it peasant!
Mk: Peasant? That's a bit rude, don't you think?
Redson: No, I'm redson the son of The Demon Bull King!
Mk: Oh, that's cool!
Redson: Of course it is, I bet you just have some boring mortal parents
Mk: Actually-

He got inturupted by Macaque

Mac: Hurry up training won't be there forever y'know!
Mk: Your not my dad!
Mac: But I have connections with him!
Mk: You do?
Mac: Yeah, I have connections with Wukong
Mk: I wanna talk to Papa!
Mac: Well then don't come late to Training again!
Mk: Ok..
Redson: Lui'er!?
Mac: Haven't heard that name in a long time, (He sighed) Yes Redson?
Redson: Why are you With this, peasant!

Redson is now Red, k? K, mostly cuz I'm lazy-

Red: And your training him, and he's Wukongs kid!?

Macaque sighed

Mac: Yes, I'm training him, and yes he is Wukongs kid, he's in 'Vacation'

He said sarcastically
Mk was confused and Redson was suspicious of this 'Vacation'
After they went there separate ways Mk ended up still talking to Wukong with macaque

The next day, holy I'm writing this in 11:15-
I think the coffee did something-
Oh well

It was morning and Mk just ate, and as soon as he stepped out he was attacked! By..

Oh, it was just training phew! I though he was going to betray! Anyways on to the story

Mk: Ugh..
Mac: What would happen if I was a demon!?
Mk: I would've died, yeah yeah I know but, it's to early!!

Mk whined as he was half asleep

Mac: How can you whine when you're half asleep!
Mk: I don't know, I'm just tired, it's early in the morning and I want to go back to sleep..

Macaque sighed

Mac: You two are really alike..
Mk: Huh? What do you mean?
Mac: Well when we were younger, he said the exact same thing
Mk: Was it also early in the morning?
Mac: Yep
Mk: Well then, there you go! Anyone would say that when it's early in the morning
Mac: I wouldn't
Mk: Yeah because you are the one waking up people when it's morning
Mac: I mean your not wrong
Mk: See?

Macaque sighed

Time skip it's been a few days and Wukong told Macaque something..

The end
Guys this was so long writing
I finished this at 11:39
At night!!!
Also I'm running out of ideas-
So the next chapter might take a while
Thank you for 700 views!!!
Also im proud of myself cuz..
Just look at the word count!
I finally got 1k!!
Word count: 1119

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