Chapter 15

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SWK: Oh hey, don't worry! That's my friend!
Mac: You sure?
SWK: Actually.. Friend miiiight be stretching it..
Mac: Knew it,

SWK: Hey! >:[

Macaque chuckled, cupped Wukongs face, smiled, and kissed him

SWK: ....

Wukong blushed

Mk: Ew-

They are now at the Dragon of the east palace, I think it's palace, right?
Macaque is in Wukongs shadow btw

Dragon of The East is Dragon

Dragon: Sun Wukong. You make a fool out of me. And you come back, to find out that you Lost the staff!?
SWK: Uh- actually! I didn't loose the staff! Show'em Mk

Mk pulled out the staff, The Dragon of the East was surprised

SWK: See?????

Me realizing I skipped so many episodes- : Oh shoot- sorry!

Dragon: Bring them to the dungeon!

Mei pulled out her sword

Dragon: Stop! Where did you get that sword!?
Mei: Uuh.. it's from my family..?
Dragon: Take them to the dungeon, and then get the girl

Forgot what they said, soo yay!

Wukong used Astral projection to telepathically tell Mei to get the back the Map at all costs

In the prison, dungeon,

Pigsy: The sexual tension in here's intense..

His mutterings reached the six ears, making him scoff and redden a bit

Mk: Dad what do we do now?
SWK: Did you just call me dad?
Mk: Yeah? Is that a problem?
SWK: You usually call me Papa..
Mk: Oh! Uh...
Pigsy: Wait a minute
SWK: Spy?!

The end

Im so sorry I haven't posted in like- 999999999 years, like, you guys even reread this-

I had help with My friend Void

I ain't using her real name

So- because Im out of ideas ask questions! About me, or The characters! :D

I hope you guys can forgive me :[

I lost motivation so many times-

The lowest in a really long time,

If Im allowed to(I'm asking you-) can I take a break to get motivated?

Word Count: 321

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