Personal Space

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Eren's POV

Unkown: Look to your right

My body froze, my eyes were stuck staring at the screen. This can't be happening. I hadn't received anymore messages from the unknown sender for weeks. Why now? Out of any time, any place, why does this have to happen now? I thought that it would be okay if I just ignored them. I thought that it was just one of my friends messing around.

Maybe it was one of my friends. After the whole ouija board incident, I wouldn't even be surprised. Yeah, I'll look over to the side right now and see Connie and the others laughing at me. It's fine, they'll be there, just look...

I took a deep breath before lifting my gaze up to my right side. A tall figure was standing there, grinning. The hood of his black jacket was pulled up, and the top half of his face was covered by a white mask. I stared at him for a moment, frantically trying to think of a way out of this situation.

In a moment of panic I desperately sprinted back over to the doors of the club. My head was spinning, and I wanted nothing more than to get away. He lurched forwards, tackling me to the ground before I could reach the doors. My hands were pinned above my head, and the strangers face was mere centimetres away from my own.

They started laughing, right in my face. Honestly, the scariest thing about the whole situation was the smell of their breath. It was... plain. There was no stench of vodka to let me believe that they were just some drunken idiot.

No, that definitely was not the case.

The texts, the feeling of being constantly watched, that god damn grin held proudly on their face. This wasn't some random drunk, nor was it a cruel joke that my friends were playing on me. It was an attack, and it was planned.

This person, whoever it is, is a vile piece of trash. And I will never let such scum have control over me.

I struggled under his hold, trying to find a way to kick him off me. His grin only grew wider, and it looked as though he was enjoying my pathetic attempts to escape. He leaned in even closer, and without even thinking much on the action I violently whacked my head against his.

The pain was horrid, but it worked as a distraction which gave me enough time to throw him off of me. I stumbled forwards, hopelessly trying to regain my balance. My mind and body were already drained and in need of sleep, and so the head injury was just another disadvantage to add to the list.

The figure shoved me away from the doors, and I was luckily able to keep my footing. I formed my hands into fists, if escaping isn't an option then the only other choices are to fight or to give up.

Five more minutes. That's all I need to last, Jean will be here then. I won't give up, I just need to hold out until then.

They lurched forwards, and I managed to swing my fist in their direction in time. A loud crack rang through my ears and I realised I had hit them on the nose. I shuffled back, a wave of fear hitting me as he appeared more angry than before. I ran towards them, hoping to get in another punch before they could regain their balance.

They dodged the attack effortlessly before grabbing my wrist and pulling me around the corner. They grabbed onto my shirt and shoved me against a wall, causing me to hit my head yet again. Their other hand held tightly onto a knife that was being held against my neck.

"Enough fucking around, Jaeger," he growled. "We don't have long until one of your friends come to find you, and I'd rather finish what I want to do before they get here. If you try anything, this knife will be going straight down your throat."

I already knew what he was going to do. The mix of lust and desperation was clear in his eyes, but I knew I couldn't do anything. All I was able to do was hope Jean would get here in time.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."

Please help me


Jean's POV

"Thanks, Armin. I know you had a lot of studying to do."

"It's fine, all I have to do is drive Connie and Marco back to the dorms. They'll probably pass out as soon as we get there. Are you taking Bert and Reiner back?"

"Nah, they said they had something to do. Thanks again."

Armin nodded and drove off with the two drunken idiots. I made my way back into the building and over to the back doors where Eren said he would be. As I walked I took out my phone and sent Reiner a quick text, telling him that we were probably going to be leaving soon.

I opened up the doors and returned to the cold night air, jumping slightly as someone bumped into me. I mumbled an apology to the hooded figure before looking around for Eren. Not being able to find him, I decided to call his number.

"All you sinners stand up sing hallelujah..."

I paused and turned to the source of the sound. I hung up and slowly walked over to where I heard Eren's ringtone playing.

"Eren?" I whispered, turning the corner. The silent air was replaced with muffled sobbing, and the empty darkness was changed to the sight of Eren curled up on to floor. I crouched down beside him, shaking his shoulders in a panic.

His trousers were undone and hung loosely below his hips, the belt discarded somewhere that I couldn't see. It was dark, and the little light we were receiving from the few lamps outside wasn't enough to see any other details. Even so, it was pretty clear what had happened.

"Don't worry, Eren. It's me, Jean." I carefully pulled him into a sitting position, letting him lean on me as I had my back against the wall. "You're okay now. You're safe."


After driving Eren home I carried him up to our dorm and tucked him into bed. I didn't want to sleep, just in case he woke up during the night and started to panic. So, instead of sleeping, I sat on the edge of my bed and watched over him.

The first time he woke up he was crying whilst mumbling "don't touch me" again and again. I ran my fingers through his hair, whispering reassurances until he drifted off to sleep once more.

The amount of anger that was bubbling up inside me was insane. I just don't understand why anyone would ever do this to someone. I continued stroking Eren's hair as he slept, trying to distract myself from the pure hatred I was feeling towards whoever did this.

Eventually, I also fell asleep. When I woke up it was to the sound of Eren crying, and I immediately shot up and shoveled closer to comfort him. Guilt flooded through me as I began to wonder how long he had been awake, and how many times he could've woken up without me to calm him down.

When Eren's phone vibrated, he visibly jumped before sinking further into my arms. Frowning, I reached over and grabbed his phone. The guilt I felt was replaced with rage as I read the texts that had come from an unknown sender.

Unknown: I had the best time last night ;)
Unknown: it felt so good inside you, I bet your horse face boyfriend never fucked you as good as I did <3
Unknown: he's no good for you btw, you should be with me
Unknown: I will make you mine.

The texts carried on for a while, and there were even some from a few weeks back. I stared at the screen in disbelief, an odd sense of déjà vu coming over me. I locked his phone and put it to the side, before tilting Eren's head up so he was facing me.

I took a deep breath, and looked him in the eyes. "Eren, did you recognize the person who... Did this."

He shook his head. "They had their hood up and a mask was covering half of their face." He paused, before continuing. "Their voice was familiar, but I couldn't put a face to it."

I bit my lip, "do you think it could've been that guy from before? The one who had a thing for you but you stopped talking to him because I didn't trust him?"

"You mean-" Eren's eyes widened in realization, and that was all the conformation I needed to know I was right.


Thank you guys so so so much for all of your views and comments!
This fic will probably be ending sometime within the next few chapters :3
My exams for the season have finished, so I've been able to post this chapter faster than I usually would. The next chapter should be out soon, thank you x

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