Be My Valentine?

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Eren sat on his bed with his legs crossed and his eyes glued on Jean. Things had been... different lately. Nothing all that major, it wasn't like the two were completely ignoring each other. In fact, on the surface at least, you couldn't tell anything was different at all. It was strange, they were both just so distant from each other.

Jean was on his phone, trying to think of ways to make his boyfriend jealous. He'd even considered getting Mikasa in on it, but decided against it (bc he knew Mikasa would just call him a horseface mofo and go tell the bae.)

After five minutes of staring, Eren shifted in his place a little before clearing his throat. When he caught the other's attention, he smiled softly asking, "What are we going to do tomorrow?"

Jean raised a brow, secretly grinning on the inside. "I was actually going to hang out with Marco, why?"

"Oh" he lowered his head, changing his voice to a whisper. "Well it's valentines day, so..." He trailed off, looking back up at Jean hopefully.

"It is?" Oh, Jean, you truly are evil. Okay, he did feel kind of bad, but he couldn't resist messing with Eren. He sighed, "sorry dude. I totally forgot, and I don't know if I'll be able to cancel."

Eren pouted in an attempt to hide his hurt expression. "You can't cancel? What are you guys even going to be doing?"

Jean shrugged, "we were just going to hang out."

There was no point in hiding his emotions, so Eren let the frown show on his face. "You guys have been hanging out a lot lately. We haven't hung out in weeks. Are you..."

Jean let out an exaggerated gasp, "Eren. I can't believe what I'm hearing, are you jealous?"

Eren stood up, hands in fists "I am not jealous! Call me crazy for being paranoid about my boyfriend constantly being with his ex, who  tried to fuck you even though we were dating!"

Jean raised his voice, standing up to look down at the brunet.. "You were the one who made me forgive him! He was drunk and it was years ago, I can't believe you have this little faith in me!"

"Faith? Oh my god, you hypocrite! Is that what this is about? It's because of a guy I've been texting?"


"Because I stopped talking to him already."

Jean lowered his voice back to it's normal level and bit. down on his lip guiltily. "You did? But when?"

"After our fight. I told him to stop talking to me and that I didn't want to be friends. I- I didn't want to lose you over something so stupid."

Yup, that feeling in Jean's stomach was definitely guilt. He shifted awkwardly, before settling with wrapping has arms around Eren in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry" he mumbled into his shoulder. "I'm such a shitty boyfriend, I really don't deserve you. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, alright?"



Eren clung onto Jean as he was being carried bridal style. A scarf was wrapped around his head, acting as a blindfold. It was valentines day and Jean was taking Eren on a date. Jean set the brunet down on the ground, instructing him to take off his blindfold.

 It was a simple picnic laid out under an oak tree. Jean shifted his wight nervously behind Eren, "I know it's not much but I though we could watch the sunset together. Oh, and I know you love the stars so much - because your bedroom ceiling used to be covered in them? Anyway, I though we could just kind of look at the sky when it gets dark or something because-"

"D'aww, you're so cute when you're nervous," Eren cut him off and pulled him into an embrace. "Thank you. It's perfect"

"Oh, I eh- yay..." blush spread across his cheeks as his held onto Eren and let out a sigh of relief, "glad you like it."


"Beautiful" Jean whispered. The two were leaning against the tree, watching the sunset. Eren nodded in agreement, leaning further into the other. Jean" let out a small chuckle, "I wasn't talking about the scenery." Well, at least it was dark enough so he couldn't see Eren's face turn into a tomato.

Eren sat up, beaming. "Oh! I, eh, got you this!" He took out a small box, opening it up to take out a ring. He watched as Jean's face turned to shock, and he quickly started explaining. "Oh, it's not..." he reached forward and took Jean's right hand, sliding the piece onto his ring finger. "...It's a promise ring. I have one too, it means we'll always be there for each other." Eren lifted his hand, showing his own ring.

Speechless. Jean kirstein was absolutely speechless. Honestly, Eren's just too adorable. So, instead of saying anything, he pulled Eren into a kiss. It was soft and sweet (like a marshmallow, except not as sticky). After that they sat in silence, looking up at the stars Eren loved so much.

Eren x Jean - College YearsWhere stories live. Discover now