Chapter 7

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Playlist - Gentrify by Da Vosk Docta




My back against the wall. Sweat dripping down my neck. Breath heavy. Chest rapidly dropping up and down. Flickering light. Blood rushing. Heart about to burst.

His hands at either side of me. Chest merging with mine. Lips teasing me. Bronze eyes searing into mine. Sweet scent. Heart beating against mine.

Before we found ourselves in the compromising position, Sebastian had turned up at me door, looking deranged and desperate.

"We need to talk."

I looked at him as if he had suddenly turned into a chomping cabbage. I was quite frankly annoyed, I had just had a nice evening with Gareth and he had to ruin my mood.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated, my arms folding above my chest.

"Why did you go out with him?" He asked bluntly, his eyes burning holes into mine. Jealousy looked good on him, and I found myself enjoying toying with him, just as he did with me.

"I like him."

"No you don't." I scoffed, baffled by this man's audacity. Who does he think he is? He had no right to dictate who I had an interest in, he made sure of that when he broke my heart.

"Sebastian, stop acting like a spoilt child. I can date whoever I want, whenever I want." I made sure to elongate the want at the end, to make it clear to him that his authority held no power over me.

"So you want to date him?"

I raised my hands in frustration and used my palm to lightly slap my forehead.

"Are you demented? Yes, I do. And what is it to you? We're nothing remember? Just friends. You made that very clear. " I was being rude yes, but I was so fed up of his attitude that I felt that I had no choice but to fight fire with fire. He had no right to interfere with my life.

At this point he was still in the hallway and I was conscious that we were being a tad too loud. So I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the room. He looked at me with widened eyes but I quickly clarified, "We were being loud, I don't want to wake up everyone else."

His eyes darkened, lids folding down, making him look like a panther stalking its prey. Sebastian knew what he was doing when he looked at me in that way, he knew exactly that if he clicked his finger, I would be on my knees for him in a second.

"Stop looking at me like that." I muttered.

"I'm not looking at you like anything. You're the one looking at me like that" He protested.

"No you're giving me that look." I argued.

"What look?"

"The 'I want to fuck you' look." I don't know why I blurted that out, and the instant I did, a flush rose to my neck and cheeks.

Sebastian pursued his lips and tiled his head to the side as he took in a deep breath, as if he was fighting an internal battle. The truth was that I was fighting my own, as on one hand I wanted to torture him, to show him what he could have had and on the other, I wanted him to bend me over.

"Don't say stuff like that Y/N." He begged.

"Why?" I challenged, feeling extra fiery tonight.

He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he fluttered his eyes to a close.

"Because I can't control myself around you. Especially when you're wearing that dress." I gulped, suddenly feeling self conscious.

Moth to a Slytherin (Sebastian Sallow X Female MC)Where stories live. Discover now