Chapter 27

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Playlist - To the moon and back by Savage Garden 

Ominis's POV 

Today was the day that I witnessed my best friends getting married. 

After all the turmoil I had witnessed and suffered, I was finally able to rest in peace. There was not a day that had passed that I did not think of the future we could have all endured had I not reversed the past. However, despite everything I had done in life, this, was my greatest achievement.  

Y/N was a beautiful bride, a marvel of the ages one may say, and I couldn't help but grin proudly as I walked her down the aisle. Her dress was pearly white, long and flowing with a trail behind her, a contrast to her hair which was tied up in a sleek bun. The material was embraided in small gems that made it glisten under the sunlight as we walked across the sandy beach. The couple had decided that a beach wedding was their perfect venue, and as I glanced round to see all our friends and professors smiling, my heart felt like it was going to burst. 

My love, Imelda, looked astonishing in a pale blue silk dress, her olive skin shining against the colour. Merlin, I couldn't wait to make her my wife. A dashingly handsome man stood awaiting nervously for his bride, and I praised myself for the work I did on his hair, which was now styled neatly. I was grinning like an idiot when he faced us, his jaw hitting the floor once his gazed stuck onto Y/N, who was glowing under the blazing sun. 

Sebastian looked like he was going to faint, and as we came to the end of the aisle, he swooped in and took Y/N's hand, his thumb grazing over her knuckles as he mouthed, "You look breath-taking." 

I took my place beside Gareth, who was a groomsman (much to my surprise since I thought Sebastian hated him, but alas he was dating Sebastian's sister), and I listened in as Professor Sharp started the ceremony. The couple had decided they wanted Sharp to marry them, which with the permission from the Ministry, he was allowed to seal the marriage. 

The ceremony was beautiful - with gracious melodies filling the air, smiles all around and the most enchanting vows from both Y/N and Sebastian, that left me in tears. 

"Y/N, I love you more than life itself. If you grow weak, I'll be there to fight your battle for you. I'll help you with your responsibilities and make your problems my own in order to spread the weight a bit more evenly. You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together."

Sebastian was breathless when he finished his vow, and a round of applause sounded from the guests as they all cheered to his words. Y/N wiped the tears from her eyes as they fell down her cheek. She took a deep breath and said - 

"Sebastian, from this moment, I take you as my best friend for life. I pledge to honour, encourage, and support you through our walk together. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you. Lets build a home of laughter, love and support. Let us create a warm and welcoming space for the good times and the bad. Let us be a home for each other, forever and ever. I promise to love you, to be your best friend, to respect and support you, to be patient with you, to work together with you to achieve our goals, to accept you unconditionally and to share my life with you forever." 

Imelda, Poppy, Anne and Natty all burst into tears as soon as Y/N finished her sentence, and I also felt a sob climbing it's way up my throat as I witnessed this impeccable union that was taking place before me. I knew from that moment, that my best friends where going to have a long and happy life together, and as much as I wanted to take credit for this, I knew, that they were always meant to be. I was just a part of their fate to bring them together. 

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Cheers erupted as Sebastian bent Y/N down to capture his lips to hers in a mesmerising kiss. Tears ran down my cheek as fireworks erupted from behind them and the two loners, now wed, untied as one. 

Five Years Later 

"Uncle Ominis! Aunty Imelda!" 

A little voice screamed as I opened my arms to cradle the little bundle of joy that was my niece. 

"Look what Aunty Anne got me!" The mousey haired toddler shoved a doll in my face, almost hitting me in the nose and she giggled when I started to tickle her. 

"Alora!" Sebastian's voice boomed from the kitchen of his house, which was situated in the countryside of London. The little girl, who looked the spitting image of her father, ran away laughing as Sebastian swooped her in his arms and spun her around. A grin made it's way to my lips as I watched the two play, my heart warming at the sight as Imelda wrapped her arm around my waist. 

"Why don't you look at that." She whispered before she leaned her head onto my shoulder. 

"Pregnant lady coming through!" My head spun round as Anne, who was now a Weasley, walked down with a very pregnant Y/N. Gareth, was being attacked by his fiery haired son, Alistair, who begged him to play gobble stones and soon after, Alora had joined in to tickle her uncle. 

What chaos! But alas, this was the happiest moment of my life as I embraced the presence of my dearest friends and family, all reunited as one. Y/N placed her hand on my shoulder and she gave me a pearly smile before I clasped my hand over her large belly. 

"How's the little one?" I asked before I leaned down to give her a kiss on her forehead. 

"He's kicking alright, little devil, just like his daddy." She chirped as she giggled upon seeing Sebastian run after Alora with so much joy in his eyes that he looked like he was about to pass out from excitement. The resemblance was uncanny - both father and daughter endowed bright brown freckles, olive skin and bronze irises that danced around in excitement as they ran after each other. I was kind of hoping that their son would like Y/N, too many Sebastian's running around. 

"Actually everyone, we have some news to share!" Imelda yelled out, catching all of our attention. I shifted nervously as I intertwined my fingers through my wife's delicate ones, eyes all on us as we both took in a deep breath and said - 

"We're expecting!" 

(And that everyone, is the end of Moth to a Slytherin <3 It was a ride full of tears and joy but finally they all go their happy ending! Thank you all for reading this story, it has been a pleasure)

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