Chapter 26

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Playlist - Made for Us by Mackintosh Braun 

1900 - Sebastian's POV 

As I stood embraced by Ominis, I couldn't help but feel that he was hiding something from me. However, despite the little voice calling me out to ask him, I did not press him further. Instead, I wrapped my arms around my best friend and returned his loving hug. Y/N seemed terribly confused, but she also did the same, and gently rubbed his back with those soft hands of hers. 

After what seemed like a lifetime of hugging and crying, the silver haired man pulled back and wiped away his glistening eyes. I could never grow tired of how beautiful they where, that shade of sky blue, deep and rich just like his character. Placing my hand to pat his cheek, I gave him a grin and a knowing nod, making him cheerfully smile before he turned round to walk away. 

"Well that was certainly something." Y/N stated as she perched up against the railing of the stairs. 

Every time I looked at her she took my breath away, even after all these years that we had been together, there was not a time where she failed to make me bow down to my knees before her. Not only was she more attractive as she aged, but her personality had blossomed and grown. Y/N was definitely the more mature one in the relationship, which is what I needed to keep me grounded, however my mischievousness always managed to make her giggle and let loose. That is why we were perfect together, two peas in a pod. 

"Maybe he got in trouble with Imelda." I joked, as I walked towards her and slid my hands to clutch her waist. She did the same, although her arms where snaking around my neck, pulling me tightly to her. 

"I want to get in trouble now." I whispered, with a smirk playing on my lips, and she rolled her eyes at me, pulling me down to her face by my curls. 

"Then you're going to get punished."  As if her voice wasn't alluring enough, she had to tempt me with these filthy words of hers that always took me by surprise and made my member about to fall off in arousal. The woman was a tease, but I loved that about her, because it kept things between us very exciting and entertaining. 

"You can punish me after dinner tonight." I muttered before taking her mouth to mine in a slow, but tantalising kiss. I was addicted to her, in so many ways, I sometimes found myself going a bit mad when we were apart. But tonight I was extremely agitated for the surprise I was going to present her with, and our fate would become dependant on her answer alone. 

The evening

"That smells lovely Darling!" 

Y/N yelled out as I swatted around the kitchen of our apartment, barely able to contain the flames that exploded from the pan. I thought I was quite a talented individual, until it came to cooking, which I have discovered I am utterly useless in even frying an egg. However, all this burnt to a crisp food was made with a lot of love, and I was sure that my sweetheart would appreciate it. 

"Fuck!" I yelled out as I accidently touched the boiling water than I had poured down the sink. 

"Are you alright?!" Y/N yelled out, peaking her head out from behind the wall the separated the kitchen and dining area. 

"Yes my beloved! Just a little mishap!" I reassured her, before pushing my finger underneath the tap to heal my throbbing skin. 

This evening was a nightmare, purely because I had intended to prepare a lovely roast dinner only for the turkey to turn out to be more similar to burnt toast. It was the nerves that were eating me up mostly, I couldn't help my shaking fingers as I cut through the onions or my tapping foot as I paced around the room to fetch the ingredients. I wanted this moment to be perfect - it had to be perfect. 

Finally manging to make the food look slightly presentable, I walked out with the two plates in hand, head held high and bowed down to place Y/N's dinner atop the table. I could see she was trying to stifle a smile as her eyes looked over the burnt turkey. 

"This looks-" 

"Don't." I cut her off, and she giggled before bringing my hand towards her lips to plant a soft kiss on it. 

"This is perfect." She said, her eyes gleaming and I couldn't help but to relax at the sight of her looking at me like that. I was ready to throw in the towel and ravage her on the table because she looked so good, but alas, my intentions where different for the night. Well at least for the moment, I could eat my second dinner later. 

I sat down opposite her, the candle in the middle of the table shining a luminescent light upon her angelic features, making her look excruciatingly divine. How did I get so lucky? I thank Ominis everyday for locking us in the Undercroft, as I am for certain that I would never had gotten the courage to express my feelings towards her. I was indebted to that man, in more ways than one. 

To my surprise, the food didn't taste that disgusting, well it needed further seasoning and less frying, but other than that it was decent. We chatted away, laughing and teasing each other like we usually did. It was moments like this that made me want to keep doing this for the rest of my life - making Y/N happy and showering her with all the love that she deserved. 

"I have something for you." I said as she took the final bite of her turkey, her brows lifting up in curiosity. 

"I am suddenly very excited." She grinned, clapping her hands together like a little child which I found adorable to say the least. 

I shot up from the chair and rushed to the bedroom, drumming around the nightstand which had too much of my shit shoved in. "Where is it?" I gritted through my teeth, as I pulled out every sock I owned, until finally, I caught glimpse of it. 

Rushing back, I handed her the green envelope that embroiled golden edges. Y/N looked at me, slightly confused and I urgently nodded my head towards her so she could open it. Biting those luscious lips of hers, Y/N started to tear away at the envelope and once she opened it, she found - 

"Nothing?" There's nothing in here?" She stated, her lips pursued and nose wrinkly in scepticism. "I hope you haven't placed something stinky in here." She joked, but I shook my head and laugedh, before pointing towards the inside of the envelope, where a small compartment was hidden away. 

Y/N eagerly used her fingers to tear away the paper until at the palm of her hand, fell the most enchanting silver ring, with an emerald diamond, shaped of a serpent. Her gasp travelled through the air as I stepped down on one knee, my heart thudding against my chest as my dark eyes searched her very surprised ones. I gently took the ring from her hands and pulled it in front of my face and said - 

"My love. You are everything a man could ever want - you are strong, ambitions, stubborn...but most of all you have the purest, most kindest soul. I love you, more than anything in this world, I would walk through the fires of hell for you because a life without you is not worth living." 

Tears were flowing down her cheeks, mirroring my own as I tried hard to bite back the sobs that threatened to erupt from my throat. 

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?" 

So...let's just say that Y/N did make me the happiest man in the world because not only did she say yes whilst screaming and jumping up and down with joy, but she soon after took me to the bedroom where she gave me the most know what I mean. Anyways, we made love all night, showering each other with the love we shared and in that moment I knew, that my life was going to be happy and fulfilled, because I had this amazing woman by my side, the queen of my heart. 

And did I say that we had the best sex ever?

Yes I did. 

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