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Y/N tried not to let out a giggle as she watched her girlfriend engaged in a one-side battle with her flat's front door.

The door stubbornly refused to open despite Jihyo's aggressive attempts in trying to open it. And because Y/N was still feeling the effects of the alcohol she had consumed that night, she thought that the ongoing duel before her was the funniest thing in the whole universe.

It was an ungodly hour of the evening, or was it morning ?

Y/N hadn't thought to check the time before the two girls left the party a short while ago, but regardless, her neighbours were most likely asleep and it would be rude to wake them.

"Perhaps it'll open if you say please?" Y/N innocently suggested, and the glare Jihyo sent her way almost made her burst into laughter.

Her girlfriend let out a dramatic sigh. The building she lived in was rather old, and the door was therefore particularly difficult to open even when Jihyo was sober — something she was very much so not at the moment.

We may have to spend the night in the hallway, Y/N thought. Which was disappointing, because she really needed some water.

Jihyo aggressively pulled the key from the lock's grooves, then held it directly in front of her face, nearly going cross-eyed as she stared at the piece of metal between her fingers.

"Please," she tried desperately, pouting her bottom lip for good measure, which finally sent Y/N into a fit of giggles so hard she felt dizzy.

Perhaps the last drink Y/N had before they left had been a mistake. Or maybe it hadn't been. She didn't quite mind being drunk; as long as she didn't feel as though she was going to be sick, she actually enjoyed the pleasant buzz in her veins and the looseness of her limbs.

Alcohol also helped her push past any awkwardness or insecurity she may have otherwise felt at the party.

The party wasn't an extravagant celebration by any means, it had just been an intimate get-together with a few of Jihyo's girl-friends for one of their birthdays.

Sure, Y/N had heard about this group of friends plenty, but tonight was the first night she'd actually gotten the chance to meet them. Jihyo said that her friends had practically begged her to bring Y/n as her plus-one, the whole group wanting to meet the lady who "had Park Jihyo wrapped around her finger" and whatnot (which Y/n couldn't help but feel smug about).

Jihyo's friends were great. It was nice to see her girlfriend at ease and enjoying herself around the people whom she'd grown close to over the months.

Back in September when Jihyo had first moved to Seoul, she had been so homesick that it broke Y/n's heart. She missed her mum, her cat, their friend group, Y/n— seeing her girlfriend in so much pain had been absolutely heart wrenching.

It took a few long weeks, but Jihyo had eventually become acclimated to her new living situation. She settled into new routines, began meeting new people, and managing the whole long-distance relationship thing had become easier for the both of them.

Jihyo met his current group of Seoul friends in October. And yeah, admittedly, Y/n was consumed by jealousy at first. At times, her texts or Instagram messages would go unanswered for hours at a time, and Y/n would often ask to reschedule their Facetime calls in order to go out with her new mates.

But, like they always did, they'd talked things out. They communicated, and they made things work. They always found a way, through thick and thin, ultimately driven by the love they shared for one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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