my girl at midnight

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⚠️Warning Smut Ahead⚠️


It had already been two days. Forty-eight whole hours. Two thousand eight hundred and eighty whole minutes. And Jihyo was going to go crazy. You'd been stuck at your desk in the spare bedroom turned office, head buried in your books and laptop to try and finish all the work you needed to have done. In the process, you'd barely spared Jihyo a glance in the two days, stopping only long enough to say good morning and ask her if she could get you a glass of water.

Usually, Jihyo wouldn't mind it. She understood. But it had been so long since you'd touched her, so long since you looked at her, and she wanted to pull out her hair in frustration. Nothing seemed to work. All you did was stare at your laptop screen.

But she was going to change that. She looked at herself in the mirror, running her fingers through her hair as she made sure everything was in place. Her long legs covered by thigh-highs that led up to black lace panties and sheer black lace camisole that had embroidered roses covering her nipples. On her neck, a lace choker sat snug in place. She smiled and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She was ready

The room you were working in was dim, as the sun was beginning to go down and you had yet to turn on the lamp by the desk. Quietly, she opened the door and peeked inside, eyes landing on the side of your figure, hunched over the desk facing the window. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. At the click, you looked up. And your mouth dropped open in shock, eyes widening as they trailed up her legs and torso up to her face. She smiled and stepped towards you, slowly seating herself on one of the empty corners of your desk.

"(Y/N), I'm lonely." You swallowed and slowly closed your mouth, eyes moving from the work on your desk before they darted back to Jihyo, trailing over her exposed skin and lacy outfit.

"I...." She pouted and leaned forward towards you, pressing her hands onto the desk and letting her hair fall into her face.

"Don't ignore me anymore. Pay attention to me." The whine in her voice made you clutch at the sides of your chair, unsure of what to do. Slowly, she slid down from the desk and hit the floor on her knees, fingers finding your knee and dancing their way across your leggings. You swallowed and tightened your hold on the chair, watching her with wide eyes. She pushed your chair away from the desk so she could crawl between your legs, keeping eye contact with you as she rested her other hand on your thigh.

You glanced at the clock. When did it get so late? It was almost midnight, and yet.... Jihyo's cold fingers touched the skin above you waistband, making you jump slightly and look back down at her. Slowly, she curled them around the waistband of both your underwear and leggings, watching you with dark eyes.

"Lift yourself off the chair a bit, baby." Her voice swirled around your ears, going up in smoke and making you feel high as your brain seemed to slow down. Quietly, you obeyed, lifting your hips up off the chair to let her pull down the clothing that had apparently been offending her. The leggings and underwear were off in a moment, and Jihyo tossed them behind her without a care that they'd land somewhere on the desk and maybe mess something up. At the moment, you didn't care. Not when she was slowly moving her fingers up your thighs and making your legs break out in goosebumps.

"Is- is this the best place to be doing this?" Your breathless question made her roll her eyes at you before spreading your legs open a bit more and watching the way your face began to turn a deep shade of red. The room suddenly felt too hot and the dim light from your lamp seemed like too much, the atmosphere making you feel like someone could walk in at any moment. And somehow, you loved it.

She moved your hips forward and smiled when she saw how wet you already were, leaving a thin trail on your leather chair as you moved. One hand rested on your thigh to keep your legs spread while the other moved to your folds, finger trailing over your wetness and up to your clit, making you cover your mouth in embarrassment and arousal, afraid of the sounds you might make because you hadn't been touched like that in what felt like forever.

"Are you that eager for me, (Y/N)? Has it been that long?" You nodded your head and tried to even your breathing, eyes still watching her closely. She giggled softly and made your head spin as she leaned in closer, breath fanning out over you as she rubbed her finger gently against your clit, fingers tightening on your thigh. "What do you want me to do, baby?"

"Anything. Anything, just- do something," you said, resisting the urge to whine bubbling up in your chest. Suddenly her thumb was on your clit instead and her mouth was on you, tongue zig-zagging its way between your folds and making you close your eyes and lean your head back in pleasure, muscles in your stomach tensing as your hips jerked up towards her mouth. She moved her hand, now slick, away as her tongue flicked against your clit and swirled, making you whimper, before dipping her head back down again.

The sensations from her tongue almost made you forget about her fingers. That was, until she suddenly slid one into you, humming happily against your clit as she felt you clench around her and jerk your hips, moaning into your hands, eyes still squeezed shut as you felt yourself tipping over the edge. She curled her finger, and then added another one, pumping them in and out of you quickly as she used her tongue to lap up the juices escaping around her fingers.

"Jihyo, Ji-." Your voice broke off with another moan as she curled her fingers just right inside you and your body tensed and shook, one hand still white-knuckled at the arm rest on your chair and the other stifling your moans as you came. She moved her mouth away from your clit and replaced it again with her finger, rubbing you through your orgasm and making you squirm with over-sensitivity. Finally, she pulled her hand away and, as you opened your eyes to look at her, licked her fingers clean, smiling at you with an almost innocent glow as she did. You shook your head, and she giggled.

As you slowly let go of your grip on the chair and tried to get your breathing under control, she stood from her spot on the ground and crawled into your lap, immediately rubbing herself on your thigh so that you could feel the wetness in your panties. Just the feel of it made your tired body kick back into gear, aftershocks mixed with arousal as she whimpered and let herself grind down against your leg, giving you a look that contradicted the confident look she had worn early as she ate you out.

"(Y/N), return the favor," she said, leaning forward to rest her forehead against your shoulder and kiss at your neck. Still moving through a bit of a haze, you brought your hands up to clutch her hips and moved your leg up as you pulled her hips forward, making her moan. You could feel her twitching against your leg already, and it amazed you that she'd gotten so turned on just by eating your out. Leaving one hand on her hip to steady her as she moved against you, you moved the other up to thumb at her nipples through the thin fabric, smiling as her breath hitched.

"Jagi, you look so good in this." Unable to speak, she bit at your collarbone instead, kissing and sucking until their was a decent sized hickey that you'd have to cover with makeup the next time you left the house. Her hand carefully made its way beneath your baggy top and under your bra, and you could feel the muscles in your stomach begin to get wound up again. The little noises coming out of her mouth echoed between your ears, and you abandoned her nipples to rub your thumb against her clit, smiling when her hips jerked once, twice, before she came over your leg, moaning against your neck.

Her body sagged against yours as she gasped, shoulders shaking slightly with her orgasm. You closed your eyes for a second, and wondered when you got so tired. Maybe it just took an orgasm to take it all out of you. But somehow, her hands were still moving over your breasts and she sat back up, face flushed and hair mussed, outfit lopsided and completely soaked through. And smiled.

"Up for another round?"

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