stay with me

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"You're not supposed to be up this high."

It's loud and firm. The wind is loud and there's a city below the both of you. The stars sparkles over both of you and she watches how your eyes are glued on the busy streets. You're standing on the roof of your apartment complex and like always, she's worrying about you. She can't help it. And she's sure that you'll never understand why.
She watches as you turn around, obviously surprised at her words and you ease into the environment. You're wearing an emerald green sweater that belongs to her and your arms are wrapped around your own body. It's inviting, that's why she stands next to you. Her hand on your waist. It's gentle, like every single caress she's ever sent your way. Jihyo's touch has always felt familiar and you could never quite put a word on it.

"You could get hurt." She speaks and there's sensibility in her tongue. She worries about you. More than anything in this world. Jihyo might be leader of her clan and she could be overlooked at the toughest member, but you could tell how gentle she really was. How beautiful her heart was.

"You wouldn't let me get hurt." You say and she loves how confident you are. How you know that she wouldn't let anything happen to you. You don't know but she's lost you in the past. She's lost you every single time and she can't let that happen again. It shouldn't happen again. The odds are in her favor this time. They have to be.

"How are you so sure?" She asks and it's playful. Extremely playful. But it gets serious when you look over at her, with a tender smile on your face and you whisper.

"Because you love me."

Love were strong words.

The meaning of love was never simple. Jihyo remembers pondering about what it could possibly mean. She had pondered a lot. She's been around this earth for a really long time and she's felt the sheets of loneliness creep her body. But when she met you, for the very first time, she knew that you were the one that would have her forever. She had never told you, but she had met you before. She had the pleasure of meeting you before in different lifetimes and the royalty of falling in love with you all over again.

She looks over at the city and there's so many memories lingering in the back of her head. The vampire can feel herself living the ache of losing you and she goes silent. The first time she had ever met you, you were a princess. You were the youngest princess of a now lost kingdom that was rebelling against her parents. You were bold and loud, they didn't like that and you didn't live to appetite their satisfactions.

"Who are you?" You asked, voice wavering as you raised a sword. You wore a beautiful lilac dress and your crown was at your feet. You aspired to save your own future, you aspired to marry whoever you pleased and that didn't fit. Your parents didn't enjoy that thought for a mere second. That's why you were poisoned and that's the first that the fragile vampire lost her lover.

Not many years passed until she saw you again. She almost found it miraculous. She had seen you around the small town and you would spend some nights at the small inn. In one of those nights she had decided to speak up and interact with you. Jihyo saw no longer the princess but saw the independent spirit that ruled over you in that journey. You had been drinking and found her pleasing to be around. That night turned into many nights and eventually, you had a small place in her cabin. (Right beside her familiar, of course.)

"You look like a princess." She whispered to you. It was late and the moonlight dug into the comfortable home you had built. You had laughed, shaking your head and only buried your head in her chest. There was no way you could ever be a princess. You were a witch, you were one with nature.

That would explain why your sweet haven was burnt and you had died along with the memories of you.

Then many centuries passed. Way too many. She had grown tired of waiting around the rural area and walked towards something new. She had coped in too many ways, from sleeping with different women and dyeing her hair many colors - She had even started taking care of new vampires. But nothing could replace the way your skin felt on hers and how your kiss was so sweet. And for the last time, she sailed out to look out for you. To see if God played cards in her favor.

And he did.

After taking an extremely long flight to a random city in the world, courtesy of Nayeon - she ached for coffee. It would wake her up, and hopefully buzz her enough for a small nap. She sat in a random seat, looking outside the foggy window and unlike the times that she had found you, you found her.
You were waitressing that night, absolutely exhausted, yet your heart said one more table. That one table turned into a long night and it eventually turned into the happiness that you are currently feeling. A feeling of warmth and a feeling of absolute excitement... No, the feeling of love.

Jihyo currently stares at the city, knowing that she can't speak about the past. She can't curse you again. So she only looks over at you, with a gentle smile and there's so many things that she's not saying. How it ached to lose you so many times and how she would do anything to keep you with her forever. But instead, she keeps it short. She gives you a comforting smile and whispers,

"I do love you... More than you could possibly imagine."

𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓙𝓲𝓱𝔂𝓸 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now