Dark, a fetish fiend, howling in ebony,
Grunting the lust of lies as its symphony,
Hideously tormenting whiffs of glints,
Puzzling vein of life in a shady glimpse,
Gulping kaput phobias with luscious tongue in coy.••🧿••
Light, a golden angel, an epitome of joy,
Ambrose of intellect and ethnic morals,
Scaring hawks and hyenas that wiggle,
Under inky nights heralds hope as stars,
Frost-frying kaput aches in its sea of swift sparks.••🧿••🧿••🧿••
Rhyme scheme: AABBC|CDDEE
Belief behind:
An ember of light eradicates the dark, but gallons of darkness is needed to hide a ray.
Ambrose: A drink of immortality.
Hums of yardbird
PuisiYardbird (noun): A convict. A caged bird is brimming with emotions of wisdom and chaotic perceptions. These mellifluous hums and horrendous whiffs portray certain beliefs and stories. The aches it rummages is a song. Hop in to dine. Little poetic co...