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I stared at him in shock, my grip on the gun loosed and he took it as a chance to disarm me.

"Let me guess, you are an ARMY?"

"Yes." I finally took in his appearance, his gorgeous face covered in bruises, his dusky purple shirt stained with blood and dirt, I could see scratches and bruises on his hands as well, he trained the gun at me and I raised my hands in surrender.

"You are going to kill me?"

"The world is already dead, what is one more person if I can live."

"Woah, never expected anything as cruel as this from you Seokjin-ssi. I always thought you were the sweet and caring of the bunch."

"I need not defend myself in front of you but if you have to know, situations change people."

"Where are the others?"

"I am not here to play 20 questions with you, give me your supplies."

"I won't."

"Then I have no choice but to kill you." I saw him about to pull the trigger.

"Don't, why don't we become partners?"


"Well, you need someone to have your back and it's clear that you don't have the rest of the Bangtan with you." A look of pure shock graced his bruised but beautiful face.

"How do you know, I don't have the rest of the Bangtan with me?"

"I have been a fan of BTS for a long time and I know none of you will leave the other in a dangerous situation. The place is deserted, not a single sound of commotion, you are awfully alert of your surroundings, meaning there is no one to have your back."

"That was an excellent observation, I think I might let you join me. if only to get a good night's sleep."

"I can understand, I have to stay alert even in sleep."

"Of course, after all, the dead don't sleep, they kill you in your sleep."

"That is an interesting way to put it."

"We need a map of Seoul."

"I have it but why do you need it?"

"I need to find the rest of the members."

"All right, let's head to the counter and we can open the map there."

The two of us proceeded to the counter and spread the map.

"Where were the others when you last saw them?"

"Yoongi and Jimin decided to go back to the dorms for some rest."

"Where are the dorms?"


"That means if they successfully reached the dorms then how long will it take for us to go there?"

"They couldn't have gotten there on time, it was the rush hour, it would take thirty to forty minutes to get there on time which could turn into an hour because of traffic. So, they were probably attacked while in the traffic. I just hope they are safe."

"What about the others? Were they not with Yoongi and Jimin?"

"No, Namjoon wanted to check out the new exhibits in the museum so Hobi decided to accompany him."

"Okay so the members were all scattered when the virus broke out, yes?"


"They can be anywhere, Seokjin. It has been eight months. If they were together we would have had a better chance at finding them but right now. We can't expect them to be in those areas. Eight months is a long time, for all we know they could have been rescued to some safe house or maybe as much as I hate to admit it they could be dead or worse infected."

"You think I haven't thought about that? But I can't lose hope."

"It has been way too long Jin, they could be anywhere."

"They could not have gone far in such circumstances."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because even though I haven't strayed far from where I was so, how can they?"

"Seokjin, I know you are worried about them but your idea is stupid."

"You are stupid. I am going to find my members with or without your help."

Seokjin took the map and walked out. I was confused as to what to do. A part of me told me to stay with Jin and keep him safe like him and the members kept me safe with their music all these years while the other part of me wanted to survive.

"Seokjin! Wait! I am coming." I took off after Jin.

"What made you change your mind?"

Jin had spoken up after we had been walking around for some time.

"I couldn't leave my magic shop alone. I don't wanna live in a world where I can't have my magic shop." I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me or not but I saw Jin's lips slightly curving at the corners.

"Don't you think it's a bad idea to stay with me, if you haven't noticed I get easily scared." Seokjin was checking the map for directions.

"I did see you scared in the run bts episodes but I also saw how brave you are in the survival show you went to. The fact that you are still not infected or dead only supports my point."

"Which member would you have been the most scared to be with?" I could hear the genuine curiosity in Jin's voice.

"I purple all of you but the member I would not want to be with during a zombie apocalypse is Joonie because as awesome as he is, with his 148 iq and everything the poor guy is too clumsy. What I mean to say is that the only reason I don't wanna be with Joon during an apocalypse is because I am afraid he might accidentally shoot me."

Seokjin let out a bark of laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners, the windshield wiper sound felt like music to my ears after such a long time. I just wish the rest of the members are okay as if not for my ARMY heart then for seokjin's sake, I hope they are alive and not infected.

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