Chapter - 02

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"I have heard that there is a camp of survivors near here, I think we should go check them out to see if we find any members or maybe get any idea about their whereabouts." I nodded my head in understanding as we both walked through the once prosper neighborhood which now looked to be in shambles, the area was completely deserted and it was eerily quiet.

"Jin, I have a bad feeling."

"I know, I feel the same, this place is way too quiet."

"We should keep our weapons ready." Jin agreed and we both removed the safety lock from our guns, the two of us were very alert, eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger.

It was odd to see a place so empty most times places were crawling with at least a dozen zombies but this place was quiet. Jin stopped abruptly before I could ask what had happened. He grabbed my hand and rushed to the nearest building for cover.

"What-" he covered my mouth with the palm of his hand, his body covering mine, standing just inches away, he lifted his hand and indicated to me to be quiet and keep my gun ready.

I trusted him and did as told, with my gun ready and senses more alert than ever knowing what seokjin was hiding me from was certainly not zombies but something else.

I could hear a few male voices and the revving of a car which soon sounded far off as if the car had driven away. Jin let out a deep sigh and I turned to look at him questioningly.

"If you ever see someone with a dragon tattoo run as far away and as fast as possible. They are the kind of crowd you would not like to know." Jin advised me as he checked the surroundings.


"Have you watched the sequel of Train to Busan? The peninsula."

"I have."

"You remember the kind of guys the woman and kids stayed away from, the kind that acted more like animals than humans, they are something like that but worse. They usually have a dragon tattoo clearly visible on their neck."

"How do you know about them?"

"I was forcefully taken there, I was there for a few days. I told them that I would rather die than be one of them, they took that personally and gave me pretty nasty scars before I was able to escape. It took a very long time for those wounds to heal which is why i didnt stray far from my original location"

"I am so sorry."

"Don't be, I am not sorry. Just so you know I have no sympathy towards you, if need be I will throw you in front of zombies without an ounce of remorse."

"I know."

"Good, come on we need to keep moving, they have already ransacked the area, there is nothing here for us." I nodded and followed Seokjin.

The man walking ahead of me had served in the military, he had clearly gone through a lot, a person who had seen shit which turned him strong, forced him to be strong.

"How do you know how to fire a gun?" Jin asked me as he led the way to where the camp of survivors was rumored to be.

"Video games." He nodded his head in understanding.

The sun was starting to set, we needed to find a place to spend the night but Jin didn't look like he was about to rest.

"Seokjin, we need to sleep now, we need to start looking for a place to spend the night, where do you think you are going?"

"I am gonna see if I can find any of the members here."

"But Hannam is pretty far, Jin, it's still a long way. We won't be able to make it there right now, we need rest."

"I am not talking about going to Hannam at the moment, we are in Gangnam."


"I told you that hoba and joon went to the museum, they planned on going to the K museum of contemporary art. It's in Gangnam and if I am not wrong only a few minutes away from where we are right now."

"Damn, you sure do know Seoul."

"I have lived here for years and when I used to go out in disguise to make sure fans didn't notice me I had to find different routes to go to places."

"But still it's a pretty big city."

"How well do you know the city you live in back in your country?"

"Not really well."

"I didn't expect that answer."

"I am full of surprises." I said in a teasing manner.

"This isn't a good surprise. Thank god I am not stuck with you in your country, my hair would turn grey before I would find my members with you. Unbelievable, you don't even know the routes." He scoffed.

"I am offended."

"I don't care."

"Ouch-" before I could say anything more we both saw the road in front of us crawling with zombies, it was too dangerous to go through that route, it was impossible to take cover behind the cars, the zombies could easily get to us.

"What do we do now?"

"I know a different route, lets just hope there are no zombies in the alleys." I nodded and followed Jin, our guns ready, he covered the front while I covered our backs.

We were still alert, there were a few zombies here but we were quiet and took cover behind the cars and random dumpsters and sneaked past them, not wanting to use our guns as it would draw the attention of the rest of undead and we would not be able to deal with them alone.

The museum looked deserted, the sound of our footsteps echoed in the large entry hall, we walked through rooms, no sign of zombies though traces of blood could be seen on the floor and walls.

All of a sudden a zombie crashed into seokjin trying to bite him, Jin used his gun to create a barrier between himself and the zombie.

"Seokjin, turn your face away!" I aimed at the zombie's head and the bullet pierced through its skull, it drew the attention of other zombies who started filling in the building. Jin jumped to his feet and we started running through the place, shooting at any zombie we could while trying to get out of the place.

The hallways were confusing us and then the worst thing happened, we reached a dead end.

The two of us glanced at one another, we nodded at one another knowing we wouldn't survive but decided we wouldn't die without a fight and so we started shooting, killing any zombie coming towards us, there were twenty something zombies left in front of us when Jin's ammunition emptied out, I handed him my handgun but soon I was out of ammo as well.

Just then a zombie lunged at me, I crouched down, my hands raised defensively when a loud bang resonated throughout the gallery, I felt the blood of the zombie splatter on my hands, I looked over to Jin who was looking up at the walkway of sorts and there stood a man shooting at the undead with expert aim.

I was in awe of the man and it took me a few seconds to realize who it was and when I did, I knew Seok Jin was happy as we had found another member.

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