Flat Out Of Luck.

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The wind was whipping outside the window. Small debris like leaves and little limbs kept tapping the glass, distracting me from my job. I love when it storms. The smell of the air, the muted colors of the sky. The sounds of the rain and thunder. If it were my day off, this would be perfect sleeping weather.

"The floor isn't going to mop itself, Ellis!" I cringed internally. I really can't stand that man. My boss. An old, grumpy soul. Ebenezer Scrooge reincarnate. A demon fleshed out in the body of a seemingly pitiful older man, seemingly pitiful that is until he opens his mouth. Dennis was a grade A dick. The kind of man that no matter how polite you were, or how hard you worked, he never had a civil word. And all of his compliments, on the rare occasions he gave them, were backhanded.

"Sorry, I was just watching the rain-"

"Even a duck has enough sense not to stare into the rain." What the Hell does that even mean? I pinched the bridge of my nose in disdain as I kicked my mopping speed into over drive. Get this done, clock out, go home.

Home. My aching feet were already fantasizing! I could stretch out in bed, pull up a nice fluffy blanket. Maybe bring home some take put to eat while I'm curled up there with a great book, or a good movie. I can grab a good mystery on my way out if I finish quick enough!

I made quick work of the remainder of the floor, and wiped down all the hard surfaces with cleaner. I had already gotten windows, and tidied up the tables and chairs earlier. Books were all back in order. Files were all put away. I stubbed my toe on the side of Dennis's desk as I hobbled towards the trash bins. One by one, I tied the garbage bags and placed the fresh ones into the bins. I set all the bags onto the cart and practically ran outside into the alley to toss the trash into the dumpster.

I was drenched by time I made it back into the library. It was like mother nature had waited for me to step out before she decide to open the flood gates and pelt me with a torrential downpour. My bangs were plastered to my forehead and eyes. My eyes were stinging from my mascara melting into my retinas. Ugh. Let me rephrase, I love watching storms. I don't enjoy being trapped outside during them.

I clocked out quickly after snatching up am interesting looking thriller, and ran to the parking lot to dive into my car. The little car started silently. I cranked the heater up so I could dry out and I sank into the seat for a moment, just embracing the ability to sit down in the warth. I went back to my earlier fantasies, and decided I would count my cash to see of I had enough left over after I'd pump gas to get some take out. I had just enough, with little extra, but payday was two days away and I have earned something warm and sinful.

Pumping gas was dreadful. I was covered overheard from the rain, but the wind was icy and so stout that it made the rain blow in sideways, misting me anyways. Thankfully the gas station was mostly empty, save for a few gamblers scratching tickets by windows. I tried to avoid eye contact with them as I rounded the snack aisles in search of something sweet. I hurriedly settled on a dark chocolate candy bar and went upfront to pay for my gas and treat. The cashier big me a good evening, and I bid her the same.

It was still light enough out to see without headlights, so I took my time and played with radio stations while I crossed to the other side of town to pickup a pizza. This little mom and pop shop had amazing food. I rarely splurged on takeout but when I did this greasy, cheesy pizza always hit the spot. Mind you, it was probably terrible for me, but mercy was it delicious.

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