Aamon's Home.

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"She's small." Isabeth critiqued. Aamon had murderous eyes, so I intervened on my own behalf.

I said the same thing! There are other wolves, and I am small. But I have a good teacher. I will learn quickly. Whatever he seen in me, I don't know, but I hope to live up to his expectations. I said, lighthearted. The tension was ever mounting, and Aamon was rigid. I didn't even buy a word I said, but iwantes to defend myself. It wasn't like I asked for this. I too wished he had chosen a wolf and let me be.

"You might not live." She shrugged. "It happens. Death is part of it. The weak will thin themselves out for us, we only need to tolerate them until then." The weak was dying to weed her out, but I bit my tongue till I could taste my blood. I was seething inside, vying to tell my side in this.

If so, then why do you care so much? Leave me be, and in a few weeks I'll be dead right? Problem solved.

"Until then, you'll communicate with your humans and put us at risk. You'll be feasting yourself on our prey-"

"Isabeth!" Luthor snatched her to her feet and glowered at her. "Learn your place. Go inside if you cannot control yourself. Aamon is my family, she is his. This makes her mine too." Her eyes widened, and she flinched. He shoved her towards the cabin, but she turned defiantly.

"A pack is only strong as it's weakest link. She will hinder him, or us, if she stays here." She defended.

We aren't staying. I came to visit and bring food. I came to show you who she is. She is just as important as you are. You are both wolves. Females. You were Alpha's choice, as she is mine. Many did not approve of you in the old pack. I defended you.

"I worry-"

"Don't! She doesn't concern you. She's Aamon's responsibility." Isabeth cowered, and retreated to her cabin. I felt humiliated. I had only come here on Aamon's demand. I had no desire to meet her either, but at least I was polite and willing. It wouldn't hurt once again to mention that I did not want this either. Technically, I was on her side.

"My apologies, Aamon. Owen had told us about her, but Isabeth had objected the entire time. I warned her to behave. This won't go unpunished. We, are family. Even if we aren't a pack any longer, you are my brother's son. You bring us food, and protect our pups when they stray. We are grateful. I will protect you too." Luthor assured. He was flustered, wild eyed and tense. A few children went after their mother, but Owen remained with us.

"Hello Fawn..." He hesitated.

Hello, Owen.

"I'm sorry." He looked at his feet and wiggled his toes to avoid my gaze.

It's fine. You were right.

"I told you! I bet you were really hungry. I was starving when I first got to change. I ate everything." He gave a guilty grin.

I was. I practically swallowed a rabbit alive. I admitted. Aamon raised, with his head bowed.

Alpha, I hate to leave, but we must be getting back. We've lots of things to do at her dwelling, and Fawn will need to shift soon. I don't want to tire her.

"I understand. How often has she shifted now?"


"Very behaved. Good control. I expect a pest from those with few shifts, she's doing nicely. She does have a good teacher." Aamon swelled at his praise and I bowed my head.

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