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What possessed me to do this? I don't know, but I bit down so hard I could taste the coppery taste of it's warm blood in my mouth. The blood ran down my chin and cheek as vessel broke beneath my teeth. I wanted to gag on the blood and the mouthful of fur, but I looked my jaw tightly. The beast howled out and shook its mighty head, sending me into the ditch once more on my back. I kicked out a foot into it's chest to stop it from pursuing me, and to my astonishment, it stopped.

I couldn't take my eyes off it as it stood still as a statue before me with my petty little foot deep in the chest of it's fur. It sank back onto it's behind, and I noticed uts eyes were blown wide and almost...shocked? The beast seemed to share my astonishment. It's body twitched and convulsed violently, and I was too bewildered to move. It's bones cracked and contorted solidly that I almost pitied it. I warily raised a hand towards it as it writhed and rolled.

In the dim light of the moon overhead I stood flabbergasted, cradling my wounded chest and arm as I watched the menacing monster before me become almost a man. I was speechless as he turned to me, his eyes ablaze with homicidal rage as he took me in,  unable to get himself to his feet yet. The rest of his face remained obscured. I couldn't even register what had just happened to me. What was going on in that moment.

"What have you done?" I don't know if the deep, raging voice was in my head, or his, but I didn't want to find out.

I turned and ran with everything in me before he could reach his feet and come for me. One of my sneakers went flying, leaving one foot bare, but I never once faltered. I never once looked behind me. I stumbled breathless into the road as I waved an arm frantically. I sucked greedily and unleashed a scream I never thought my body could muster.

"HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLP! HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLP!" My throat was scalded, but I didn't let up until the truck stopped and a man cracked the window.

"What the fu-"

"A wolf! I-I was attacked by a wolf. Please I-"

"Good grief! Get in! Get in!" He yelled.

I leaned against the cab as my quivering fingers pulled the door handle. I practically flopped into the cab as the door shut and the man barked tires in his haste to get us out of here. My body flailed about the cab as he took curves and bounced through potholes. This man is an angel. If he hadn't came when he did or hadn't stopped for me, what would've happened to me? I know I could've been hallucinating from fright and blood loss, but I know there was a wolf. And I swear I had watched him become a man.

"Are you alright? I mean-" My savior asks nervously.

"Other than my chest and arm, I'm ok. I'm bleeding a lot, I'm sorry. I'll pay-"

"Oh. No. Heavens no. It's not like you can help it. I'm just glad you managed to get to the road. Oh. Oh you are bleeding a lot." He looked paler at the sight of my blood than I was. I was hardly even aware of my near bare torso. I simply refused to look down, cause I knew I was a mess.

"I'm glad you stopped for me. Thank you. I'd probably be wolf poo tomorrow if you hadn't drove by when you did." I tried to lighten the mood, but the man seemed faint at the thought, so I dropped it.

"How did you encounter it? I mean, were you walking or?" He changed subjects. My head was starting to throb, and I rested myself against the door for support.

"I was driving. I was to dodge pot holes and debris from the storming and I'm guessing I overlooked a big shard of wood. It flattened my tire. I pulled off to  fix it and the wolf come after me." I simplified it.

"Unusual for wolves."

"I felt so too, but it wasn't usual. It was..." A demonic hellhound that wanted me for lunch. A monster that shifted shapes before my very eyes, turning almost human. A werew- "just enormous. And seemingly hungry. It wasn't anything like wolves you typically see. It was just huge." I held out my arm, exposing a bite mark that was easily sixteen inches in diameter at a guess.

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