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"What came first, the Phoenix or the Egg." The talking door asked. " Oh it's a party just open it." Stella said as she was opening the door from the inside. When she spotted ,me she smiled and said "Come on in!" When I walked in I gasped. Even though I've never been into the Ravenclaw common room I always imagined there to be a bunch of books and tables and stuff like that but instead it looks like a party room. "Look there's a karaoke machine" Pansy said "Amaya come on we HAVE to do it". "Ya let's do it" I replied. When we got there some muggleborn got the song Let It Go from Frozen and I grabbed the mic and sang with Pansy who had to read off the lyrics since she never watched a Disney Movie before. When we finished singing a muggleborn who was clearly drunk ran up to me and yelled "I've never seen anyone hit that high note before and i've played this sing for the past two years. After we finished singing I saw Hermione talking to Fred and George and ran up to them. "Hey Freddie, Georgie" I yelled in their ears. Fred almost choked on his drink while George looked around confused. "I love your dress" I say looking at Hermione who's wearing a full sleeve blue dress that falls a little below her knees. "Thanks, Harry and Ron made me come so I had to borrow this from someone. Although I think your dress is prettier just not my style" she replies. "Come here" Pansy said as she came out of nowhere, dragged my hand and pulled me back to where the boys were. "Tom's going to try and get us some alcohol" she whispered. "You do realize that we're 11 right?" I asked as I looked around. "5 galleons he does it" Draco whispers from behind me. "5 galleons he can't" I say back. Tom walked over to the drinks stand and before he could even look at the drinks, a older student (probably a 7th year) started to chase him away. "I guess you owe me five galleon then" I said looking at Draco. He nodded at me before walking over to some other Slytherin Boy. "That's Theodore Nott" Pansy said from beside me when she saw who I was looking at. "He probably one of the most popular boys in our year" I glanced at him one more time before grabbing Pansy's hand and pulling her into the middle of the dance floor. Once the next song was over me and Pansy made our way over to where kids were playing Never Have I Ever. We sat down where the 1rst-3rd years were playing and joined the game. "Okay" Stella spoke up "Never Have I Ever Dyed me Hair". Stella put one finger down along with some other Ravenclaw. "I'm a Metamorphmagus so I don't have to dye my hair. Does that count" I asked looking around the circle. Stella shook her head no and we resumed playing. "My turn" a Hufflepuff said "Never Have I Ever Cried because of a Book". I put down one of my fingers aware that Tom was laughing at me. "My favorite character died okay" I said trying to defend myself.  Pansy, Theo, Blaise and some other random people put a finger down. "Never have I ever" Pansy began "Danced or played in the Rain". Everyone other than Tom, Draco and one Hufflepuff girl put down a finger. My turn "Never have I ever cheated on a potions test" I said and not to my surprise everyone put down one of their fingers. After playing a couple more rounds the Ravenclaw Head Boy found out about the party and kicked us all out. After getting back to the dorms me and Pansy started to play Would You Rather. "Okay" Pansy said while laughing "Would You Rather have Potions with Mcgonagall or Herbology with Flitwick" "Potions" I replied. "But it's Mcgonagall, she's going to be hard on us and Potions" she complains. Before I can say anything back someone starts to knock on the door and I hear Daphne's voice. "My roommate kicked me out, can I please sleep over" I look at Pansy who just nods so I get up and open the door for Daphne. "Thanks" she says as she walks in. "You can take my bed, I'll just share one with Pansy" I tell her as I start to walk over to Pansy. We all quickly fall asleep. When I woke up the next morning I see Daphne on my bed and the shower running. I get up and wake up Daphne. "Why did your roommate kick you out anyway" I ask her as she's using Me and Pansy's makeup. "I was forced to room with Millicent Bulstrode, and she's down right horrible" she started "In the first week of school alone she put bleach in my hair, tore up my robes and put a spider under my covers" "If she ever gives you any more trouble just come over here, and if it's late then don't knock, just come in okay" I say feeling glad that my dorm mate is Pansy instead of Millicent Bulstrode. "I will" she says "I should probably go and get some clothes now." Daphne gets up and leaves after thanking me. After Pansy gets out of the shower I quickly shower and change into a teal (if this isn't' the right color let me know) crop top and black skirt with some gold jewelry. 

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