Going Home

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The next morning I woke up to finish packing my things and making my way down to the great hall to eat breakfast. 

"I'm going to miss you" Pansy said pouting.

 "I'll see you next year, it's not that far away" I exclaimed with a laugh.

 "Come on or we won't get a compartment all to ourselves." Tom spoke up. The 6 of us slowly made our way from the castle and onto the platform. 

"Can't believe i'm saying this but i'm going to miss school" Pansy sighed looking up at Hogwarts. "That makes two of us" I replied. "Want some' 'elp with your trunk?" A familiar voice asked me. "Yes please, Hagrid" I responded grinning at the tall man. After getting onto the train me, Pansy and the boys made our way over to a empty compartment where Theo dramaticly collapsed into one row of seats. "Bloody hell, get out of the way" Blaise said exasperated. At this Theo's eyes water up with fake tears and he looks at Blaise. "Blaise apologize" I said trying my best not to laugh. "Alright, I'm sorry- dont cry" he said. "Get me a chocolate frog and I'll forgive you." Theo said tears gone. "Does anyone else want anything" Blaise asked looking around. "Get two Cauldron Cakes and a box of every flavor beans" Pansy said. After he got the food Pansy handed me a mini Chocolate cake with frosting. "What is this" I asked her. "A cauldron cake, try it" She replied. I took a bite and was shocked to find how much flavor there is in there. "This is good" I said. Near the end of our train ride I decided to say bye. "Hey I have to go and find someone, i'll see you all next year!" I said with a small smile. Pansy immediately stood up and engulfed me in a huge hug closely followed by Theo and then Blaise. Draco gave me a hug while Tom just sat in his seat. After grabbing my trunk I started to look for Harry and bumped into someone. "I am so-- Stella" I exclaimed seeing the Ravenclaw girl. "Maya! It's so good to see you again!" she said. "You too, you want to sit with me, i'm looking for Harry." She nodded her head gratefully and we both looked around until we saw Harry, Ron and Hermione. Seeing as I changed into my muggle clothes in my dorm I stayed in the compartment while everyone else decided to go and change. When we got off the train I saw Pansy who gave me one last hug before her parents called her over while everyone else went missing. While Ron, Hermione and harry went back through the wall together I went with Fred. and George. When we got through I saw Ginny Weasley who I vaguely remember from the my first encounter with the Weasley's. "Harry Potter!" she squealed. "Look, Mom! I can see"Be quiet , Ginny , and it's rude to point."Mrs. Weasley smiled down at them."Busy year?" she said. "Yes Mrs.Weasley, thank you for the christmas gift" I replied smiling. "Oh, it was nothing, dear." she replied kindly. "Ready, are you?" a familiar voice said. I turned around to see Uncle Vernon standing still purple-faced, mustache and still lookingfurious at the nerve of me and Harry, carrying two owls in a cage in a stationfull of ordinary people. Behind him stood Aunt Petunia and Dudley,looking terrified at the very sight of the Weasley's and the two of us. "You must be Harry's family!" said Mrs. Weasley."In a manner of speaking," said Uncle Vernon. "Hurry up, we haven'tgot all day." He walked away. While Harry hung back to say bye to Ron and Hermione, I said my goodbyes to Fred and George. "Listen any trouble at all send us a letter, by owl, well come pick you two up". Fred spoke up just as I was leaving. I threw my arms around him and then proceeded to do the same thing the George before walking away with Harry. "I hate summers" Harry sighed before we caught up to the Dursleys. "It won't be that bad, the Dursleys don't know that we can't use magic" I say back with a smirk. Before he could reply we got near enough that the Dursley's could hear us. I looked at the train station on last time before starting to head to the Dursley's.

                                                   ------------END OF YEAR ONE--------

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