Chapter 1 - Ryonan and Shoyo playing Truth or Dare

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It was a typical weekend afternoon when Sendoh Akira and his teammates from Ryonan High School gathered together for a game of Truth or Dare. The sun was shining bright, and the cool breeze was blowing gently, making it the perfect day for outdoor fun. Sendoh, being the extroverted and adventurous guy he was, was excited to play the game and to see what his teammates had in store for him.

As the game progressed, Sendoh's girlfriend from another school, Fujima Chion, suddenly appeared, surprising everyone. She had brought along her brother, Kenji, and Sendoh's cousin, Hanagata Toru, who had also joined in the game.

The group settled down and continued playing the game, with everyone taking turns to ask questions or give dares. The questions ranged from embarrassing secrets to past crushes, and the dares were equally daring, such as eating raw chili peppers or running around the block in your underwear.

As the game went on, the questions became more intense, and the dares became more outrageous. Sendoh found himself getting nervous, wondering what his teammates would ask him next. But he was determined to keep his cool and play along, not wanting to back down from any challenge.

It was Chion's turn to ask Sendoh a truth question, and she looked at him with a mischievous smile. "Okay, Akira-kun," she said. "Have you ever cheated on a test?"

Sendoh blushed, feeling caught off guard. He hesitated for a moment, not wanting to admit to his girlfriend that he had cheated in the past. But then he decided to come clean, realizing that honesty was the best policy.
"Yes, I have," he said, looking down at the ground. "But I regret it now, and I promise never to do it again."
Chion nodded, satisfied with his answer, and then turned to her brother, Kenji. "Okay, Kenji, truth or dare?" she asked.

Kenji thought for a moment, then grinned. "Dare," he said boldly.

Chion smiled wickedly, knowing exactly what to dare her brother. "I dare you to run around the block in your boxers!" she exclaimed.

Kenji's eyes widened in surprise, but he was not one to back down from a challenge. He quickly stripped down to his boxers and dashed out of the house, running around the block as fast as he could.

Everyone watched in amazement as Kenji ran by, laughing and cheering him on. It was a silly, fun moment that brought the group even closer together.

As the game continued, the questions and dares got more and more ridiculous, but the group never lost their enthusiasm or their sense of humor. They played well into the evening, enjoying each other's company and making memories that would last a lifetime.

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