10- Fisher king

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With one of the few and I mean few breaks Spencer got from work he wanted to use it wisely

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With one of the few and I mean few breaks Spencer got from work he wanted to use it wisely. As did everyone else on the team. Gideon would be up in his cabin. Aaron would be getting some time with his family. Elle and Derek would be soaking up sun on the beach. And Spencer would be seeing his mother and planning a very important date. 

It all sounded so exciting. And so unreal. To be away from not only work, but from it all. The violence, pain, and death. It's one thing when it's other people, but it's another when it's you. 

You should have suspected that something like this would happen eventually. Mingling with an FBI agent was bound to land you in some trouble. To be completely honest, it was almost exactly like the movies. Those eerie on edge moments followed by dramatic, fast-paced scenes that get your heart rate up. 

Coming home, you were greeted with an interesting sight. A greeting card. No, not in your mailbox or shoved in the crack of your door. It was inside your apartment waiting for you on your vanity. No envelope, but there was simply an address on the back and the picture of a building on the front. Pulling your phone from your pocket, you planned to look up the address. Before you could, your phone rang with a call from an unknown number. 

Hesitant yet curious, you picked it up and brought your phone to your ear. Truly, you didn't register the words being yelled at you until Spencer's name came up. And just like that, the call was over. Left only with what you could assume was a threat, you called Spencer. 


Your lips parted yet no sound left you. You were almost thankful to hear his voice. 

"Hello?" He repeated calling your name this time. 

"Uh h-hi." You greeted him, struggling to snap yourself out of it. 

"Hi. Is everything okay?" His tone is gentle. 

"Yea." You answered without thinking. "No." You quickly corrected yourself. "I um I- I think I just got something meant for you. I came home and found a postcard, and I just got a call from some maniac yelling about a grail." 

Chuckling, you try to laugh off the absurdity of your sentence. But the humor or lack thereof is lost on Spencer. 

"A grail?" He was quick to ask. 

"Yea, and something about knights I don't know." 

Again, Spencer calls your name, but this time there's an urgency to his voice. 

" I need you to hold onto the postcard and don't leave your apartment. Two agents will be there as soon as possible to escort you to Quantico."

"What? Why?" You panicked. "For a card."

"No I can't- I can't tell you right now but once you're here I'll tell you everything I can, I promise." He matches your panic.


It didn't take long for the agents to arrive. The ride to Quantico is a fast one. Although you keep a brave face in front of the two strangers, your nerves have you on edge the entire time. When you got to the large government building you met Spencer in a room away from the cluster of desks. Before Spencer asks you anything about the call or the card, he wanted to make sure you were okay. 

"Spencer, I'm fine." You assured him with a wary smile.

"I know, I know. I jus-" He sighs and swallows. "This person is very dangerous, and the fact they had access to your home and even contacted you makes you a potential target." 

As he spoke Spencer's eyes slowly drifted away from yours. His gentle brown iris's grew cold and dark. 

"All because of me." He whispers more to himself than you. 

"Spencer." You called his name carefully."I'm okay." His eyes returned to yours. "I mean this is the safest place I can be right now with you and your team." 

The tension in his body ceases only for a moment. His face holds an expression that isn't exactly as hopeful as it should be. 

"I need you to listen to something." He changes the subject. "We need to make sure the person who called you is our unsub." 


"Unidentified subject." Spencer tells you as he sets a video on the monitor. "The person behind all of this." 

Nodding, you took a seat at one of the chairs at the round table. The video starts, and a cold chill runs through your body. You sit stiff, upright and fixated on the screen. But with Spencer's concern and eyes on you, you force a calm demeanor. 

"Does it sound the same?" 

You blink, and the video is done playing. You look to Spencer before answering his question. 

"Besides his calmer and lower tone, the voice is the same." 

With that out of the way, Spencer takes the postcard from you and submits it into evidence. It needed to be checked for any fingerprints and any other DNA. While you waited for the test to come back Spencer got coffee for the both of you. Normally you wouldn't drink this late, but it wasn't like you'd be getting much sleep tonight anyway. 

When Spencer returns he brings more than just coffee with him. You're surprised to see him with a blonde woman of similar height and stature. She was older, with short hair and clutching a bag tightly to herself. With her comfortable clothes and anxious body language, she wasn't an agent. And by the way Spencer spoke to her, it was clear that this woman was his mother.

You stayed silent as they spoke. Really, you were unsure what to say. Besides the almost eeriness of their physical similarities. His mother seemed to be very on edge. Assuming she was here for the same reason you were, you understood why. So, instead of jumping to an introduction, you sat on one of the chairs against the wall and sipped your coffee. Until you were noticed. 

And eventually you were. With Spencer conducting the awkward introduction between you and his mother, you were surprised to see she already knew you. Or knew of you. 

"This is her?" Diana looks at Spencer with a small smile playing on her lips. "She's just as beautiful as you wrote." She tells Spencer, but her eyes stay on you. 

A nervous expression flashes on Spencer's face. 

"Mom, can we talk over here for a second?" 

She ignores him. 

"Spencer's told me so much about you." 

"Mom please."


Okay so we completely skipped 700 and went to 800 reads. I wanna say thank you and also tell yall something kinda important to this fic. The app I use to track how each chapter goes kinda locked me out so i dont know what the next few chapters are gonna be. So work with me and keep me in your thoughts because I'm about to spam these damn people into giving me access to my shit. <3

&quot;Flashing lights&quot; Spencer Reid X black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now