Shy Girl

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I'm what people would call the shy girl. 

The shy girl in school that nobody really sees. 

That one girl in school that nobody knows her name but she knows everyone else's.

But she isn't shy.

You might wonder what is she if she isn't shy.

I'd say she's anxious.

Anxious that if she talks she'll say something wrong. 

So wrong that everyone laughs at her and calls her names for the rest of the year.

That's one reason why she doesn't talk.

That's one reason why she hates attention on her.

But there are many more. Would you like to hear?

Anxious that when people stare at her they can see all her secrets.

Everything she's done wrong. 

Anxious that if she talks she'll offend someone. 

She doesn't want that.

She's the type of person that is very kind. 

Though will put anyone and everyone's priorities in front of her own.

This is a terrible quality to have as an anxious person.

Because she'll be anxious if she helped you enough.

Anxious if she made you happy enough.

But never is even a thought to ask herself if she's happy.

So she sits at night in bed. 

Thinking about how shit her life is.

Not knowing when it'll all end.

Her parents like to say "It's just a phase you'll grow out of your shell"

But as she sits in bed thinking about her life ahead of her

Seeing graduation a few doors down.

She's still stuck in the shell that's kept her for years.

This is the life of a shy girl.

At least this is mine.

- Sophie <333

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