Just imagine

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You were about to go on a lunch date with friends you haven't seen in months!

You try on different outfits but nothing seems to satisfy you... 
you suddenly see the adorable outfit (ABOVE) and decide it's cute enough

You put it on and apply minimum makeup since natural beauty is everything to u!
Just as your grabbing your bag to leave your boy friend walks in through the door

He says "Damn you look beautiful princess, how did I get so lucky?" 

He wraps his veiny arms around your body and strokes your face whiles kissing your glossy strawberry flavoured lips.

You moan out gently as he grabs your butt and squeezes a bit, he then picks you up and sucks gently on your neck leaving a slight mark..

You whimper a bit saying "Baby...mmmm careful... your playing with fire.. and that's dangerous...".

"Then let me get burned baby girl."

And with that he kicks the door shut with u still in his arms.....

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