Just imagine

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Your in and alley holding up your besties hair, since she's throwing up from her upset stomach

Laughing you say "Damn u can hook up with guys but can't even hold your liquor down."

She give you a death stare and the finger.

To which you reply "Gurl!! If I didn't help u no one would, be grateful!"

You glance at your IPhone checking for the time, and seeing if your sexy bf messaged but to your disappointment he didn't. You start to swing your hips to the music since u can still hear it coming from the back door.

"Am I dead yet?" Says your friend.

"Nope u damn alive, but you will wish u had died tomorrow," you replied rubbing her back slightly.

She continues to throw up for 10 mins then sits down, you sit down as well hugging her so she feels better.

She gets up and says "Get party again!"

You can't help but chuckle slightly and say "Gurl! I'm right behind u."

Just then you get a call from your hot boyfriend, and you answer telling your friend to go ahead and that you'll be a minute.

"Hey sexy stud" you reply
He does his famous chuckle why replying with "Hey baby girl, I've missed u"
"I've missed u too h/n !"
"Baby girl where are u?"
"Oh I'm with Liz at a club"
"Must be fun, just don't stay too late, I'll be waiting for you oh and btw I got a surprise for u baby girl"
"... :0 I can't wait ! I'll be home soon Lu stud"
"Lu too baby"

Just as you hang up the phone, you are smacked to the ground by a homeless guy, who is trying to rob you. You see a knife in his hand threatening you to give you have to him or else...


Suddenly he's on the floor... you look up and see a tall handsome guy staring down at u, smiling.
You thank him and as your about to leave, he pins you to the side of the building with your arms above your head.

Struggling you say "Let me go!!"

He smirks and replies with "I don't think u want me too,"

You start to shake a bit... but you moan out loud, when he puts his leg against your core, teasing slightly.

He then pulls out his gun and says "Let's have some fun darling"

You shake your head and he replaces the gun at your core covering your mouth so your not as loud. Then he brings it to your mouth and shoves it in your mouth all the way back to your throat

He whispers "Watching u being helpless is such a turn on...."

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