Just imagine

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You're waiting in the car about to walk into your bfs apartment

You wore burgundy lipstick, to which u know he won't be able to resist

You knock at the door and are met with your bfs dad

"You look stunning" said his dad

"Ty" u said all smily

"Damn!! U look hot!" Says your bf, as he pulls u in a heated kiss...

Soon after while eating your fav (chicken parmesan) u let a moan slip, thankfully no one but your bf heard, and he chuckled leaning over
He said "I can't wait to f*** u tonight"

Immediately blushing u go to the bathroom to powder your face and text your bf to get his ass in the bathroom...

A couple mins later, the door opens and your bfs dad shows up...

He says while smirking "Bold of you to wear burgundy lipstick hon"

You giggle replying "What are u gonna do about it?"

He smirks and says "I'm gonna f*** you till u can't walk back to the table"

Just before ✨taking✨ you....

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