Just imagine

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Your enemy wanted to talk and forced you into his Porsche with him.

Y'all are smoking while you hear the rain drops fall hard.

You noticed how different he changed.. somehow becoming a bit hotter, with his jawline so sharp he could cut u at any given point.. and huge strong veiny hands so big, he could easily wrap his hand around your neck and choke you for pleasure.

H/n.. "Why do u hate me?" You ask.

He chuckles a bit.. "i don't hate u, y/n"
"Then prove it!" You answer back.

He leans over grabbing your throat adding pressure, and kisses you roughly.
You start to moan a bit, while tugging on his sliver chain,

he pulls away and whispers "Your gonna regret this bae".

He then sucks hard on your neck whispering against your neck

"This is all mine......"

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