Just imagine

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Your with your best friend (Kaleb ) at the axe throwing club (private room)

You try to hit perfectly and failed
So Kaleb came behind u and put one hand on your waist stroking gently and one on the axe that's wrapped around your hand to help guide.

You finally aim and hit perfectly. You wanted to show Kaleb that you can do it without him.

Kaleb said "You got this sweetheart!" While returning to his station

So you try and on the second try you hit perfectly again by yourself to notice so u look over,

Saying "KALEB!! I DID IT!! I hit the target without it bouncing off"!!!

Kaleb being the guy he is says " That's amazing" while wearing the famous smirk he does.

U look over and see that Kaleb already hit the target MULTIPLE times.. u make a cute noise gasping, as he turns over and looks at u walking over and kissing your cheek

Immediately you blush hard, and says thx but as soon as u we're about to turn away and continue practicing.

He picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist. You glance up at him wondering what's going on, but as soon as your about to ask he leans forward and kisses your lips.

You jump off him push him away while yelling.. "What the h..hell??"

Apparently he didn't really appreciate that, and pushed u against the wall while having an axe in his hand that's now lightly pressing against your throat, gliding it once on the side.
While one knee is pressing on your core, his knee gently rubbing..

He says "I don't like when u misbehave.... Hm.. I might have to punish u"

With that blood drips...

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