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WHATEVER GOD EXISTED, Jo was certain they were not a fan of hers or the pogues'

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WHATEVER GOD EXISTED, Jo was certain they were not a fan of hers or the pogues'. This had been proven again and again throughout their lives, especially when their treasure hunt first started. It was no different when Topper slammed on the breaks of the truck and sent the cross flying onto the road, leading them to discover that it wasn't the cross at all.

They seemed to be the cosmic joke of the universe. She could practically hear the entities above laughing at them as they gaped down at the straw-filled box. How silly they were for thinking they could actually pull this off. How naive for trying again and again after being repeatedly shut down.

"That - that's great," Topper huffed. He was the first to speak, scoffing in disbelief and raking his hands through his hair. "Did we seriously just go through all of that for nothing?"

"Topper, shut up." Jo turned to the boy and glared at him. Her desire to start punching was even stronger in the face of defeat and his face was looking more and more tempting by the second.

"That little..." Pope trailed off, his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists. Jo frowned at his rigid stance, her heart aching for the boy. "I'm gonna kill him."

Sometimes Jo wondered why they kept trying when they'd been knocked down every step of the way. Was it because they truly believed they could find the treasure, or was it just some convoluted fantasy to help them cope with the reality of their circumstances? At this she was painfully reminded of her father once more and his incessant desire to find the gold. Why did they keep trying?

Topper drove them back to the chateau and by the time they reached it, the sky was beginning to illuminate with the promise of a new day. But their defeat still hung over their heads.

"I'm sorry, Pope," Jo whispered. She gently touched his shoulder, standing behind the boy as he stood outside the house and stared out at the marsh.

"I am so fucking sick of loosing," he huffed. His voice was thick and filled with emotion, and rightfully so. Jo was surprised how unaffected she was by this setback, but then again they haven't had much luck in actually obtaining the treasure. She was upset mostly for Pope because she knew how important this was to him and his family legacy.

"We'll find it," Jo promised. "We will. But let's try to get some sleep first."

Pope sighed and relaxed his rigid body a bit, but he didn't move. "I'll be in later."

Jo didn't argue with him. She nodded and gave him one last reassuring squeeze before she retreated inside, where JJ was already sprawled across her bed. She chuckled at him and closed her door behind her so she could change, but winced at the pain that shot through her body when she took off her shirt.

"You alright?" JJ sat up on high alert when a groan escaped her lips.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jo sighed. "Just, you know, dealing with the aftermath of being thrown over a fucking overpass."

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