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THE CITY OF GOLD, in all its sparkling glory, was right in front of them

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THE CITY OF GOLD, in all its sparkling glory, was right in front of them. The rich gold chunks stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction; gold even hung from the cave ceiling. Jo couldn't believe it. After everything that happened, everything they'd been through, there it was.

She remembered her group of friends lounged on the hammocks outside the chateau entertaining the idea of being rich for the first time, and that girl who let herself dream of the possibilities cried deep within her. Because they'd done it. They actually found the gold, but not just the Royal Merchant gold. This was so much more.

"No. Fucking. Way." JJ breathed out in astonishment. Jo only blinked, wondering if this was a dream, if she would wake up in that hammock at home and still be left with nothing. But it was right there, right in front of them, and she started at the fact that this was real.

"We... we did it," she breathed, finally tearing her gaze away from the lost city and peering up at JJ. Her eyes burned with unshed tears, her lips twitching upward. "We did it."

JJ whooped in victory, pumping his fist in the air as he laughed. His holler echoed around the cave, bouncing off the walls and seeming to come back to them. Jo shook her head as John B moved towards the gold, swinging his backpack off his shoulders as he went.

They got to work collecting as much as they could. John B filled his backpack. JJ wrapped as many pieces as he could in his handkerchief and stuffed it in his cargo shorts pocket. Jo just marveled. She picked up a piece from the ground and held it in her hand, turning it over and over and staring in awe.

"Full kook, baby!" JJ shouted, pulling Jo into his arms and twirling her around. She let the gold in her hand fall back to the ground and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his.

"Full kook," she breathed as she pulled away just enough to take a breath. JJ's electric blue eyes scanned hers, that lopsided smile never leaving his face. She could see it now, their future. She'd always been able to see it, but now she saw one where they could actually live instead of struggling just to make ends' meet. They could build a new house with all this gold, they could travel anywhere they wanted. They never had to worry about their next meal or their bills ever again. They could leave the outer banks if they wanted, and all those ridiculous kooks behind.

"Okay, we should go," Sarah spoke up. "We only have one more flare."

John B nodded and held it out, getting ready to light it. They finished their gathering and then made their way back towards the opening of the tunnel. It took longer this time with the gold weighing them down, but they didn't falter. They pushed and pushed until their heads popped up from the water.

Only feet away from Singh.

Jo was closest. Before she could even process what was happening, Singh lunged forward and dragged her out of the water, holding the gun to her head. She was still breathless from their dive, her hands shaking at her sides as he held firm.

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