Chapter 1: Hanging Out

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Michela liked the school she went to. It was a long drive, but it gave her more time with her adoptive father. Other than her only friend, James Octavius (such a strange last name), Jed was the most important person in her life.

She never did forget about her twin, Casimiro, but she hadn't seen him in almost seven years. She never stopped using ASL when she spoke, something she eventually taught Jed.

Michela never told him why she signed when she spoke. She didn't want her father to feel guilty for not adopting her brother. He never got a chance to as the two had gone to separate orphanages.

Michela woke up, brushing her teeth and eating the breakfast Jed had prepared. She wore a purple cowboy hat, something her father had bought her. She had asked him for one so she could match his blue one.

"Dad, can James come over after school? His dad said he could."

"I don't see why not. I'll pick the two of ya up. I might be a little late since I've gotta clean out the stables."

"That's fine. Thank you, dad."

"Of course, Sweet Pea. Now, hurry up an' eat. Ya don't wanna be late for school."

Michela chuckled and finished her food. She grabbed her backpack and put on her grey boots. "I'm ready!"

Jed grinned and put on his boots. He grabbed his keys to his jeep then left the house. After Michela was outside, he locked the door. They got into the white car.

Country music played as Jed drove. At first, Michela didn't like country that much, but after two years, she's grown to love it.

An hour later, they arrived at the school. The high school was the closest high school to where they lived. Jed though Michela should go to public school to get more socialization. Their neighbors had moved away, so it was just them out on the farm.

"Bye, dad!"

"Bye, Sweet Pea. See ya later."

"Love you."

"Love ya too."

Michela walked into the building. She soon found her friend, who was chatting with his younger brother, Harry.


"Ela! Have you met Harry?"

"I don't think so."

"Well, Ela, this is Harry. He's my younger brother. I'm sure you'll met Casi soonish."


"He's our older brother. I think he's about your age."

"Ohhh." Michela nodded. "Oh, so my dad said you could come over. He might be a little late picking us up."

"Dad'll want to wait until he comes than."

"Can't you ride the bus?" Harry asked.

"A bus doesn't come out to our house."


"I'll text dad to let him know."

"Sounds good."

==Time Skippy Skip==

School's been over for thirty minutes. Octavius was not happy that Michela's father was making them wait this long. He assumed the man would be only a few minutes late, but this was ridiculous.

"What is your father doing?"

"He's finishing up a big chore then coming over."

"Hm..." Octavius sighed. "Casi and Harry will be out of tutoring soon. I'm sure if need be, I could drive you home."

"Nah. I see his car now."

Jed's jeep came into the parking lot. Octavius scrunched his nose.

"That needs to be cleaned."

"It'll get dirty again anyway."

The jeep was covered in mud. The windows were mostly clean, so Jed could still see out. Jed didn't clean it much as he knew it wouldn't be clean for long.

He parked the car and got out. He walked up to Octavius, James, and Michela. He tipped his hat.


"Hello. Are you Michela's father?"

"That I am. Yer James' dad?"

Octavius nodded and offered his hand. "I'm Gaius Octavius, but everyone calls me Octavius."

"I'm Jedediah Smith." Jed shook Oct's hand. "Good handshake."

"Thank you. Might I add that your shoes are very muddy."

Jed looked down, lifting one foot up to examine the bottom. "Oh. It ain't mud."

"Then what is it?" Octavius paused then sighed. "I see."

Jed grinned. "What time do ya wanna have James home?"

"Eight will do just fine."

Jedediah nodded. "See ya then." He clapped his hands together. "Who's ridin' in the front with me?"

"Oh, can I?" James asked excitedly.

"If it's alright with Michela."

"I'm fine sitting in the back."


Jed chuckled and the group got into his car. "Hope yer fine with country music."

"I don't think I've listened to country before."

"Ya ain't never listened to country 'fore?"


"Yer gunna like it."

Jed turned on music and drove off.

"How long until we get to your place?"

"'Bout an hour."


==Time Skippy Skip==

Jedediah parked his jeep and got out. "I'll get workin' on dinner. Y'all can walk 'round or ride the horses. If ya ride, put them back."

"You have horses?"

Jed nodded. "An' two cows, a dog, an' lots a pigs."


Jed chuckled. "I milk the cows an' sell it. All our food is grown here."

James grinned. "That's awesome. Ela, can you show me around?"

"Of course, Jamie."

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