Chapter 4: Awkward Dinner

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"Jedediah! I'm glad ya were the one to answer. I think I have an answer to all of yer problems."

"I know what problems yer talkin' 'bout an' I don't need help. It ain't a problem."

"It is. I know ya ain't happy."

"I'm happy where I am."

"No. Ya ain't. No sane person would be happy as a freak."

"I ain't no freak."

"Yes, ya are. But we can fix it."

"Yer not listenin'. I ain't a freak for lovin' men an' women."

"Men are 'posed to love women an' women are 'posed to love men. There ain't no changin' that."

"I've got people over. Yer welcome to stay for dinner, but 'fter that, ya've gotta go."

"I ain't leavin' till yer fixed an' on the path to heaven 'gain."

Jedediah sighed, pinching his nose. "Mother—"

"I ain't leavin'. I don't want my children to go to Hell." Jewel pushed her way inside. "Yer the only one I worry 'bout."

"I'm fine." Jed followed her into the dining room. "Ya don't needa worry 'bout me."

"Yes, I do." Jewel saw everyone else. "Who are these people?"

"Some friends. I told ya I had friends over." Jed grabbed a plate from the cabinet and filled it with food, handing it to Jewel before sitting back down.

"I'm Octavius. These are my kids, James, Harry, and Casi."

"I'm Michela!"

Jewel smiled. "I'm Jewel. Jeddy's mom."

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call ya whatever I wanna." Jewel sat beside Michela.

"Oh. Dad, I got an A on my test," James spoke up. "In Italian."

Octavius smiled. "That's good. I'm quite proud."

==Time Skippy Skip==

After the very awkward dinner, Jed sent the kids to milk the cows. The adults sat in the living room.

Octavius could tell there was some kind of tension between the other two. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't doubt he would learn soon.

"How long have y'all known each other?"

"Around a month. James asked to come over. I wanted to meet Jedediah before I let him stay."

Jewel nodded. "I see. Yer not datin', right?"

"No. I'm not looking for a partner at the moment."

"Ya mean a girlfriend?"

"No. I mean a partner. I'm bisexual."

"Ya are?" Jed asked, sitting up straighter.

Octavius nodded. "I am. I've only dated a small number of men, but I did enjoy it."

Jed grinned. "I'm the other way 'round."

"You're bisexual as well?"

"Sure am. I ain't 'shamed by it."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"It ain't natural. Y'all need Jesus."

"I've got Jesus an' I ain't straight."

"I do not believe in Jesus."

"Ya should. He's the one true savior. He can save yer soul."

"I'm good."

Jewel's nostrils flared. "Yer goin' to Hell if ya don't fix yer wicked ways."

"It isn't any of your business where I go when I die."

Jewel pulled out a cross from her pocket and shoved it against Octavius' chest. "May God spare yer soul."

"Don't touch him."

"May God give—"

"Step 'way from him. He an' I don't need no help. There ain't nothin' wron' with us."

"I'm tryin' to save ya!"

"I don't need savin'!"

"Yes, ya do!" Jewel stepped away from Octavius, shoving her cross into Jed's face. "I'm tryin' to make sure ya don't suffer eternal damnation."

"Don't touch me."

"I ain't touchin' ya with my hands!"

Jed gritted his teeth. "Yer still touchin' me. I don't like to be touched without permission, ya know this."

"I'm yer mother. That don't apply to me!"

"Yes, it do!"

"Please lower your voices. There—"


"Don't talk to anyone like that in my house." Jed pointed to the door. "Get out."

"No! I ain't leavin' till yer both fixed an' free of yer sins!"


"Michela, what are yer doin' here?"

"James fell off the fence and dislocated his shoulder."

"Where is he?"

"By the barn."

"Go get some ice an' met us there."

Jedediah and Octavius stood up. They went to the barn, Jewel following behind. James sat in the mud, Harry and Casi trying to calm him down.

Jed knelt in front of him. "Hey, it's okay. Yer okay."

"It hurts."

"I know. Michela's gettin' ya some ice. I'm gunna put yer shoulder back into place. It's gunna hurt for a while."

James slowly nodded. Jed put one hand on his torso and the other on his back. He carefully pushed the blade back into its socket. James yelped loudly.

"Careful," Octavius spoke.

"I was careful. It ain't painless."

"Have you dislocated your shoulder?"

"Many times. I broke my nose a few times."

"I see." Octavius turned to look at James. "Why were you on the fence?"

"I wanted to see the view. Ela said it's pretty."

"Ela's been climbin' up there for two years."

"What does the fence block?"

"Past it is my neighbor's land. They don't live there no more, so it's up for sale."

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