Detective Danielle at your Service

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I decided against staying for dinner, fearing that Elena was going to take that opportunity to make me queen of tomatoes. So instead, I ran home and stayed up all night thinking about my actions.

Man nights are long when you're not sleeping. Trust me.

It started out with me blushing because I couldn't stop thinking about it. Than I tried my hardest to fall asleep, which came to no avail. So around 3 in the morning, hitting full blown delirious mode, I decided to finally crack open the files I gathered with Paul a while ago. I know, I'm kind of late with the case, but detectives got to have a life to right?

It took me 4 hours to read through all of the different trials and background stories, but what I came up with was very helpful. Though it never exactly said the guys name, it did give a very in depth summary on his father.

Since the town was small, his father owned the only oil company there, meaning he was automatically the richest person there. But there's more. Not only did he own a oil company, but he managed to become one of the cities notorious mafia bosses. Yeah, and here I am thinking the gangster and mafia age was over.

His name is Richard Acerbi. He has a track record of 45 robberies, 10 assaults and 3 murders. But still he manages to be free in the world. The only thing that bothers me is that the town loved this guy, they knew everything about him and what he does. And yet they still let him run free from some serious murder cases? I'm guessing he know some inside people to help him out whenever he's in trouble. Or maybe he sent out a city wide threat for if he ever behind bars everyone will be in poverty. Just a guess.

After googling some of the members in Acerbi and his gang, I managed to find out that his legacy is still living on, and so is theirs. All managed to have children, who still live in the neighborhood now. Richard side man, Antonio Cavallo, had three kids consisting on two boys and one girl. His older sons have already graduated and left the state, but his only daughter just happens to be in the same grade and school I go to.

After looking through the history of these people, I've managed to pick out a couple of people that go to my school that I knew of. But, Richard himself only had one kid. It was a boy, but no one know his name.

That boy is the ex-best friend Dean, murderer and all. And yet I still can not find him. This is becoming frustrated.

Now I know what you're thinking, what does this have to do with Veronica case? Well, one of the main detective working on her case, happens to be a member of the Acerbi gang. Which also means, that maybe, just maybe, Richard Acerbi may be involved with yet another murder. He has in the past blamed it on Dean, so maybe he found out that he was in the same area again and just made it easy on himself. Truth be told, Dean doesn't have the greatest track record here, so to just blame on him with be believable and quick.

I know it's a crazy risk at thinking, but it what I got at the moment and I'm going with it. So, the first thing to do tomorrow .. or today, is to talk to the legacy at my school. I don't know where it's going to get me, but I can get a feel for what I've been oblivious too.

Immediately after I had that thought, my alarm clock went off, but I didn't get scared. Oh no, nothing can scare a girl once she's in complete detective mode. Someone would have to try and kill me before knocking my confidence right now.

I hopped right out of bed and started my morning routine, got my clothes on, and rushed downstairs to see that I was the only one awake at the moment. Well, this only means one thing.


"I still can not believe you tried to make breakfast this morning Danny. You know you're not the best cook," He did a quick cold chuckle "Not only that, but you managed to burn the whole house down everytime you try. Like what makes you think that the next time would be any different from the first million of times! Gosh I wish you would use your mind for once Danielle."I rolled my eyes and brushed my brother off, he was being over dramatic in my opinion. And since when did he become the smart one in this relationship we're forced into? So I make one bad mistake and burn a chair or two, he makes it sound like I burn the house all day every day!

"Daniel I think you need to calm down for a bit. So I tried to make breakfast, name one time when you didn't fuck up?" It fell silent.


"Anyways, I have a question." In this moment we heard the first bell ring, signalling for us to make our way to first period. I could care less at the moment, and from the looks of my brother he was the same way.

"Shoot" ew people still say that?

"Do you know Lilly Cavallo?" This seem to have shocked him for a sec, but immediately he started to smirk.

"You mean the really hot italian chick in my Spanish Class? Yeah, Justin hit that a couple of weeks ago, why?" Because I totally wanted to know about your best friends sex life.

"Do you know if she knew Veronica by any chance?"

"I thought you didn't care about Veronica." He was right, but I do care for peoples well being. I would never wish death upon anyone.

"I care if they're framing Dean for it."

"Trying to look out for your little boy toy I see? I didn't know you were the protective type sis." Because, unlike you dumb brother, I don't like to bother you with my personal life unless it involves you. Dummy.

"Shut up and answer the damn question Daniel. We're going to be super late for class." As if on cue, the late bell rang. As I looked around from my brother, I realized we were the only people under these mental asylum lights.

"Looks like we already as sis."

"Still ignoring the question asked."

"Look sissy, only because I care about your well being. Some of the time, I advice to stay away from that girl. She was the Dean before Dean came to our school." He rested his right hand on my shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. "Now I don't know if she was every associated with Veronica, but I do know Veronica hung out with everyone in that squad. Just check their social medias or something, I know Veronica best friend is still keeping that up. Just don't confront Lilly about anything. Dean was one thing, but she's another."

In all of my years knowing my twin brother, I have never heard him so concern for my life like this. Usually they're like small warnings like don't touch that it'll burn you or if you slide down headfirst you will hit your head but never like this before.

Remembering the knowledge I previously learned the night before, I do know that she is a legacy of an associate with one of the biggest mafia bosses in the area. Was I way in over my head right now? I am trying to confront a mafia daughter. Maybe I should stay away ..

"Hey! You two! Shouldn't you be in class?" We both lightly jolted from our positions and turned to the adult. Luckily for me, it was our school librarian who happened to love me. Unlucky for Daniel, the school librarian hated him.

This was my que to start slowly walking towards my class.

"Danielle!" I heard behind me as I steadily started to pick up my pace. I know the librarian would let me off, but for him .. it's a different story.

"See you at home brotha!" With that I slipped into my first period class with ease.

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